Tender Notice - University of Engineering & Technology UET Lahore

Tender Notice - University of Engineering & Technology UET Lahore
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore intends to acquire the services of Consulting Finns for its development project titled, Construction of University of Engineering & Technology Lahore. Campus at Narowal which include the following jobs: i. Preparation of Master Plan, U. Planning and design for infrastructure facilities including cost estimates of roads, boundary wall, water supply system, sewerage I disposal station, electrification, telephone system etc, ii Amhilecture and Engineering Design of typical Academics & Library, Residential, Spa Administration buildings, Auditorium, Mosques along with their cost estimates/130Q. The project is being executed at the total cost of 539.889 M. Expression of Interest (EU) is invited from the interested firms registered with Pakistan Engineering Council along with following information /documents for their pre-qualification: I. Certificate of Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council along with the latest renewal letter. il. Copy of Registration with Securities and Exchange Commission or Registrar of Firms III. Copy of Registration with income Tax Depattment IV. List of permanent professional staff along with C.Vs of relevant core staff showing project wise experience with exact time duration of each project. V. List of similar works completed by the Firm during last ten (I0) years and similar works in hand, indicating total cost of such works and cost of consultancy services received against. those works along with date of start and completion or expected date of completion. VI. A Certificate/affidavit that the firm is not black listed by any govemmenuautonomous body. VII. Audited account reports for the last 3 years. The Consulting Firms may contact Project Director, UET, Lahore, PM 042 9%29238 for obtaining scope of work/TORs and any other clarification/infomiation regarding the assignment and submit their E01 in his office upto 25.92.2014 during office hours (8:00 am to 3:00 pm).
Project Director UET, Lahore University of Engineering 8: Technology, Lahore

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