Punjab Cities Governance Improvement Project Faisalabad Tender Notice

Punjab Cities Governance Improvement Project Faisalabad Tender Notice
Punjab Cities Governance IV Improvement Project
Request for Quotations (RFQ)
I. The Government of the Punjab has received a credit (Cr No. 5153-11.1() from the International Development Association towards the cost of Punjab Cilia Governance Improvement Project and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the Contract for below mentioned work according to Guidelines: Procurement under IUD Loans and IDA Credits.
2. The Works & Services Department City District Government Faisalabad invites Sealed tender based on item rates for the works mentioned below from the Contractors / Firms enlisted with C & W Department / District Govt. Faisalabad in the field of Highway Works
Sr. NO Name of Work Completion Time Bid Security! Earnest Money I. Repair /Improvement of Halal Road from &liana Road to 1013112j3 garden Length : 0.80 KM 2 Month 130,000 2. Repair /Improvement of Road from Raja chout to ands pun via bohar wala Chowk. Length : 1.50 KM 2 Month 195,000 3. Repair improvement of road from PMC chout to Ila exchange Sargo, dha road. Length: 0.58 KM 2 Month 145,000 • Repair I Improvement of 13ilal Read from Stadium Gate to Bilal Choir. Length: 0.25 KM I Month 110000 • Repair/Improvement of Qui clank road: Length: 0.35 KM 3 Month 190,030 6. Repair /Improvement of Road from Farooq Shaheed chowk Susan Road to Rahman Chowk(PCC). Length :0.70 KM 3 Month 120,000 7. Repair & Maintenance of Road Making Machinery Including Road Roller, Graders etc. 4 Month 55,000
3. The detailed RFQ (and additional copies) may be purchased from the following offices during the office hours for a nonrefundable fee of twenryfoe hundred (Its. 2500) pak rupees in the shape of CDR for each set. a) District Officer Roads. b) Executive District Officer Works & Service Faisalabad c) District Coordination Officer Faisalabad. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of District Officer Roads Faisalabad. 4. The last date for the issuance of detailed RFQ will be March 12, 2014. Bids shall be valid for a period offorly five (45)days after Bid opening and must be accompanied by security as mentioned above and shall be delivered to District Officer Roads Office on or before 2:00 PM, March 15, 2014. The same will be opened after 30 minutes of the closing time in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. The bidders shall submit two copies of bid and clearly mention as "ORIGINAL" and "COPY" as appropriate. In the event of discrepancy between them, the "ORIGINAL" shall prevail. S. Bids are required to be submitted on item rate basis (not on the basis of Composite Schedule of Rates with percentage premium) and the rates and amounts (in Rupees) must be filled by the bidder in figure as well as in words for each item in the Bill of Quantities (Bid Schedule) and provide a total price. Non-compliance may result in rejection of bid. 6. For serial no I to 5, the bidders having their own asphalt plant and allied machinery are entitled to bid. They have to submit the detail of asphalt plant such as make, origin, capacity, present location and working condition 7. Bidders should give their best and final price in their bids as no negotiations are expected. 8. Any bidders engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices (including collusion/pooling) will be declared ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract financed by the World Bank.
DISTRICT OFFICER ROADS (Secretary District Tender Board) Highways Division, Faisalabad

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