Jinnah Hydel Power Station Kalabagh Tender Notice

Jinnah Hydel Power Station Kalabagh Tender Notice
JINNAH HYDEL POWER STATION KALABAGH Reference to invitation for bids for supply of Control relays on FCS basis for Jinnah Hydel Power Station, Kalabagh published in daily news papers, the Serial Nos. 4,7,8,9 and Note of tender notice is hereby amended as under:
Eligibility of Contractors/Suppliers
i. Sales Tax Registered Firms. H. Bonafide Manufacturers and their authorized suppliers. iii. Bids accompanied 2% earnest money.
Last Date of Obtaining Bidding Documents
Dated 18•03-2014, up to 1600 Hrs.
Closing Time and Date as well as Place for Receiving Bids
Dated 19-03-2014, up to 1300 Hrs. in the 010 of The Resident Engineer, Jinnah Hyde I Power Station, Kalabagh.
Time and Location of Public Opening of Bids (on the Date of their Receipt)
Dated 19-03-2014, up to 1400 Hrs. in the 010 of The Resident Engineer, Jinnah Hydel Power Station, Kalabagh.
The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals but is not required to justify those grounds. All other Terms and Conditions of the Tender Notice will remain the same
This notice is also available at PPRA Website: www.ppra.org.pk
PID(L)1578(14) Website: www.wapda.gov.pk PRD396(14)

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