Provincial Buildings Division Lahore Prequalification Notice

Provincial Buildings Division Lahore Prequalification Notice
5th PROVINCIAL BUILDINGS DIVISION, LAHORE Agitations are invited for prequalificalion d contractors who have been registered in PEC in electrical category axl renewed for the year 2013-14 in Communication & Works Department having good and experience of executing works of shier nature in the putic sector for participating in the lenders of blowing works: -
SR. NO NAIRN? WORK APPROXIMATE COST CATEGORY R Replacement and Shifting of Old Electrical HT Panel and LT Panel etc from Basement of Old Assembly Building to New Service Building in Punjab Assembly Building Lahore 48.825 (M) C-3 2. Rehabilitation of HVAC system of Punjab Assembly Old Building Lahore 21.853(M) CA 3. Provision of Fire Hydrant Water System etc. in Punjab Assembly, MPAs Hostel and Pipal House, Lahore 22.470 (M) (>4
The interested firms xe required to submit the following inbmnfon I documents in duptiatte with chain mak in his booklets) to the Executive Engineer 5t Provincial BuikliNs Lahore to reach him by 15-3-2014 during office hours. 1. Name I full address & partners14ip deed of the contractors I imns with power of Mornay in favour of person authorized. 2. Year of establishment supported by certificate from The registrar of the firms. 3. Name & padiculars of specials( fans to be associated. 4. Lisl of cases pending in Arbitraion /litigation if any. 5. Certificate of Registration from Pakistan Engneering Council Islamabad in the relevant category (duly attested by 1' class officer). 6. Copy of enlistment / renewal for the year 2013-14 with C&W Department. 7. list of complete permanent Business Management Finance Management and Engineering I Technical Staff with their complete Biadata and proof of stay with the firm. 8. list of equipment with its No. make I model condco and location alongwih the proof of ownership 9. Betel of sinilar projects completed by the contractor! ph* location, approximate cost time taken for completion duly supported with a certificate from the dent department 10 List of similar projeds handled during the last three years giving their location, approximate cost, time allowed taken duly supported with a certificate from client department Ii Performance certificate from the Executive Engineer I Client under whom the works have been executed during last three years. 12 Detail of works in hand indicating name of Client Department, consultants, scope of works, Authenlk proof of their financial position such as Bank statement of the pervious one year. 13, Authentic proof of their financial position such as Bank statement of the pervious one yea'. 14. To14 assets work capital and liabilities duly certified. 15. Income Tax Registration Certificate. 16. My further particulars, the fins wish to furnish. The prelualification application shall be evaluated on the basis of Planning & Development Department aiteria for pre-guaificalion. The other related intonation reguked in This regard should also be provided. Any further intonation delads in tit connection may be had from the Executive Engineer 511 Provincial Building Division, Lahore on any working day. Only pre-guaified firms wi be invited to submit lender. The competent authority reserves the right to accept (reject the prequalification as per PPRA Rules.
I PL-2031
Executiver Engineer 5th Provincial Buildings Division, Lahore

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