Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund Ppaf Islamabad Tender Notice

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund Ppaf Islamabad Tender Notice
Request for Expression of lntere Impact Assessment of PPAF Commu Skills Training Programs
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) is the lead apex institution for community-driven development in the country. Set up by the Govemment of Pakistan as an autonomous not-for-profit organization, PPAF enjoys facilitation and support from the Government of Pakistan, the World Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), IOW Entwicldungsbank (Development Bank of Germany), Italian Development Cooperation and other statutory and corporate donors. PPAF aims to be the catalyst for improving the quality of life, broadening the range of opportunities and socio-economic mainstreaming of the poor and disadvantaged, especially women. The core operating units of the PPAF deliver a range of development interventions at the grassroots/community level through a network of more than 100 Partner Organizations across the country. These include social mobilization, support for livelihood, enterprise and employment, access to credit, infrastructure and energy, health, education and disaster management. Externally commissioned independent studies have demonstrated positive outcomes and impact of PPAF interventions on the lives of benefiting communities related to their economic output, household incomes, assets, agricultural productivity skills and other quality of life indices. For a complete profile, The primary purpose of the assessment is to carry out a comprehensive assessment impact of PPAF and partner organizations training programs over the course of the PPAF-III project period (FY 2010-2013), including vocational and skill trainings, community managerial trainings, and other developmenttraining programs in terms of their outreach, impact and sustainability - at the individual as well as community levels. The exercise is about critical review of the training process, training contents, delivery and impacts on ground. Moreover, the assessment envisage to measure the extent to which training focusing the vocational skills life hoods/enterprise was relevant to the existing and ernerging needs of the market and enabled the participants to be competitive in the market (both seff-employed and jobs). The specific evaluation objectives are as follows; • To evaluate the program design, approach, interventions, and existing scope • To assess the relevancy, efficiency and effectiveness of the PPAF training programs • To ascertain and critically analyze the outcomes and impact of training programs on the lives of beneficiaries, communities, PPAF staff, POs staff and other relevant stakeholders, and in terms of contribution to the PAD objectives • The extent to which these training programs are mindful of social inclusion i.e. gender, marginal groups, minorities should be made an integral part of this evaluation • The extent of which regular follow up, support, tracking, refreshers and next level of training provided to program beneficiaries • To determine sustainability of skills and learning imparted to the recipients along-with its useful utilization and highlight internal and external factors that can be addressed to strengthen training interventions Attention of interested consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Banks guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by the World Bank Borrowers 2006 ("Consultant Guidelines") setting forth The World Bank's Policy on conflict of interest. A consultant firm will be selected in accordance with the Consultants Qualification Selection(COS) method set out in the World Bank procurement guidelines. Expression of Interest must be delivered to the address below by not laterthan 1700 hours on Tuesday. March 11.2014. GM-Procurement Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) 1 Hill View Road, Banigala, Islamabad, Pakistan Phone: +92 51 111 000f02, Fax: +9250 2613931-33 Website: www poaf org ok

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