Addl Chief Engr 5 Corps Karachi Tender of Notice

Addl Chief Engr 5 Corps Karachi Tender of Notice
1. Applications are invited by ACE 5 Corps, 19, Liaquat Barracks Karachi on 5th Mar 2014 for issue of tender for the under mentioned works at various cants / gars. The application shall be scrutinized and Tender documents will only be issued to the firms who have sufficient experience in the relevant field satisfy other special conditions required for the job and area. Tenders will only be issued to scrutinized contractors / firm on 7 Mar 2014. The tenders must be received in this office of accepting officer by 17 Mar 2014, till 1130 hrs and will be opened at 1200 hrs on the same date:-
Ser Description of Works 1. Const of Non Resdl Accn / Works at Badin 2. Const of Certain Non Resdl Accn / Works at Chhor 3. Const of Certain Non Resdl Accn / Works at Bholari 4. Const of Certain Non Resdl Accn / Works at Sakrand 5. Const of Certain Resdl / Non Resdl Accn / works at Pano Aqil 6. Repair! Renov Works at Malir 7. Repair! Renov Works at Karachi 8. Repair! Renov of Works at Pano Aqil 9. Const of Certain Non Resdl Accn / Works at Sultanpur 10. Const of Certain Resdl / Non Resdl Accn / Works at Karachi 11. Const of Certain Resdl / Non Resdl Accn / Works at Rahim Yar Khan 12. Const of Certain Resdl / Non Resdl Accn / Works at Hyderabad 13. Const of Certain Non Resdl Accn !Works at Malir
2. Firms! Contractors who are entitled with MES in Categories A, B & C and registered with Pakistan Engineering Council may apply for work. 3. Firms! Contractors not borne on approved list of MES will furnish, alongwith their applications, statement of previous experience giving details of works executed during last two years and those in
hand on the proforma appended below:- Name of Amount Time Date of cannot Sage Works/ Supply contracts executed during last two years and in hand of work (Rs) Allowed in Months COMMe-ncement comple-tion Progress of works in Hand & supply of Material
4. Firms! Contractors not registered with Pakistan Engineering Council will not be considered for issue of tender documents. 5. For further details, please visit this office on any working day from 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs if required.

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