Bureau of Statistics Lahore Tender of Notice

Bureau of Statistics Lahore Tender of Notice
Telephone 042-99212584
Sealed Tenders are invited from the Registered/Un-Registered Firms for the purchase of the following stores for conducted Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MICS) Punjab 2014 1 Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab, Lahore.
Sr. No. Description Qty. Tender Fee 01 aip Board. 450-Nos. Rs.500 02 Writing pad A4 size 45044os 03 Ballpoint 450-Packet 04 Stapler 50-Nos 05 Staple pin 100-Packet 06 Permanent Marker 450-Nos 07 Packing tape 2" wide 200-Nos 08 Envelopes for questionnaires 2255-Nos 09 Water Bathe (1-Utter) 450-Nos 10 Umbrella 450-Nos 11 Bags 450-Nos 12 Caps 450-Nos 13 Jackets 450-Nos. 14 Medical Kit 450-Nos
Descriptive specifications of the above given stores and terms 8( conditions of the tender can be obtained on payment of tender fee from the Headquarter Office, Bureau of Statistics, 2-Begum Road, Lahore. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS i) Last date and time for the receipt of the Tenders is 17.032011 upto 11.00 AM. The tenders will be opened the same day at 11.30 AM in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who may with to attend the opening of the tenders in the office of the undersigned. ii) Tenders from un-registered firms should be accompanied by a Call Deposit @ 2% of the total value of the stores as Earnest Money in the name of Project Director (MICS)/Diector General/Senior Purchase Officer, Bureau of Statistics, Punjab, Lahore, which shall be refunded to all others except the successful bidders in whose case the Earnest Money shall be refunded only after successful completion of the tender. iii) The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject all bids or proposal at any lime prior to acceptance of a bid or propcsal under Rule 32 reed with Rule 35 of FPRA Rules 2014.

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