District Officer Building Bhakkar Invited Tender Notice

District Officer Building Bhakkar Invited Tender Notice
Sealed tenders on the basis of Market Rates System Bhakkar/Communication & Works Department Punjab in the field of Building Works in respective categories for the year 2013-14. 2 Tender documents can be obtained from the office of the under-signed .against a written request on produced of original enlistment/renewal letter, OR, PEC license, for the year 2014 Identity Card of Contractor, managing partner of the firm along with REGISTERED POWER OF ATTORNEY AND TENDER FEE MAY BE DEPOSITED IN THE SHAPE OF CALL DEPOSIT/C.D.R/BANK DRAFT ON PRESCRIBED RATES OF GOVERNMENT & THE SAME NON-REFUNDABLE BY THE NEW NOTIFICATION.  3 Tendered rates and amounts should be filled in figures as well as in words and tendersshould be signed as per general directions given in the tender document. No rebate on tendered rates will be 2013-14, for District Bhakkar below or above in the percentage to estimates or item wise rate are hereby invited for works/schemes mentioned below form the con-tractors/firms enlisted with Executive District Officer Works & Services District Government/Superintendent Engineer, Provincial. Buildings Circle Sargodha acceptable. 4 Tenders will be received in the office of the undersigned upto 01:00 PM on the date of opening of tenders and will also be opened imme-diately in the presence of intending contractors or their representative, authorized too. 5 Conditional tenders and tenders not accompanied with earnest money- in shape of deposit at call form any scheduled bank and attested copies of registered partnership deed and power of attorney in .case of firms with not be entertained. 6 Undersigned shall have the right of rejecting any or all of the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 7 All the contractors will observe strict compliance of all terms and condition contain in Secretary C&W Department Lahore notification  no. RO(Tech) FD 1-2/83 (VI) (P) dated 06.04.2005. and time to time from Government of the Punjab. 8 No tender will be issued to the contractors whoSe progress of works already allotted to him/them in beyond schedule, whose quality of work is net up to the mark and where performance is not as to Mark. 9 Earnest money to be deposited will be 2% but in case of ten-dered amount being less than 5% and above 5% of estimated amount. Lowest bidders will have to deposit performance security from a sdhedule Bank or Equal to the amount less than estimated cost, with in the provision of Condition 26-A of tender documents, vide Finance Department Notification No. RO (Tech) FD1-2/2010 dated 04.09.2012 Amended clause (s) 15 General Direction for guidance of tenders of the .contract agreement and no correspondence will be made thereof. 10 Any information regarding the tenders mentioned below can be obtained from the Divisional Head Clerk/Head Draftsman during the office time. El No tender will be issued to the contractors against which action has been taken under clause 60-61 of the contract agreement. Note: Last date of issue of tender 05.03.2014 & will be opened on 15.03.2014.
Sr. Name of Work
Estimated T.S No Cost/Earnest & Date Money
Compl- Tender etion Fee Period
Provision of Missing. Facilities in Govt. Boys Primary School at Mohallah Malkan Wala Bliakkar City Provision of Missing Facilities ht Govt. Boys Model Elementary School at. Chah Chimni Bhakkar $ Construction -of Library Block at Bliakkar Provisian of Missing Facilities During 2013-14 District Bhakkar
4304000 No.70 I /Est 5 87000 Dt: 12.02.14 Months
4 2000 Months
No.706/Est 5 2500 Dt: 12.02.14 Months
Sr. Name of Work Estimated T.S No Compl- Tender Cost/Earnest & Date etion Fee Money Period 4 Govt. Boys P/S Chak No. 245000 No.695-96/Est 2 200 1861T'DA U/C Daggar Rethas 5000 Dt: 12.02.14 Months 5 Govt. Boys P/S Chak No. 245000 -.dor 2 200 31/TDA U/C Gadola 5000 Months 6 Govt. Boys P/S Chak No. 245000 -do- 2 200 52/TDA U/C Notak 5000 Months 7 Govt. Boys P/S Ummar Din 245000 clo 2 200 Ethan U/C Dhandla 5000 Months 8 Govt. Boys P/S Hantzay Wall 184000 -do- 2 100 U/C Yousal Shah 3700 Months 9 Govt. Girls P/S Chak No.. 245000 -00- 2 150 85/TDA U/C Daggar Rathas 5000 Months 10 Govt. Girls P/$ Lal Khan Wgda 245000 -dtv- 2 200 U/C Chak No. 60-61/ML 5000 Months 11 Govt. Boys P/S Ahmad Abad 245000 40- 2 200 U/C Pir Ashab 5000 Months 11 Govt. Boys P/S Chak No. 245000 -do- 2 200 14rfDA U/C Angra 5000 Months 13 Govt. Boys P/S Cjhber WC 184000 -do- 2 100 pa rt. ange 3700 . . Nolonths 14 Govt. • Boys- pis Chak No. 184000. 7do- 2 100 .1/RD. WC Barranga 3700 Months 15 Govt. Boys P/S Chaff Broths 184000 -do- 2 100 U/C K11611414* Kalan 3700 Months 16 Grivt. Boys pis Bal4ily U/C 184000. -do- 2 IOU Jharnat Shurnali 3700 Months 17 Govt. Boys P/S Groka U/C 184000. d6- 2 100 Jhamat Shumali 3300•Months 18 Govt. Beys P/S Bakhsho Wala 2450Qa 2 200 U/C Khohaviar Kalan 5000 Months 19. Govt. Boys P/S Bagi Alma(' 1,84000 / 100 3700 Shah Wall U/C P.* Gehl() Months 20 Govt. Girls P/S Chak No. 245000 -40- 1 200 I/RD WC Barranga 5000 Months 21 Govt. Girls P/S Shariel 184000- .410,- 2 100 Talokar U/C Hallo 3700 MOntbs 22•Govt. Boys P/S.flattaran Walt. 245000 ,-RIO- 1: 200 Shumali U/C Haito 5000 Mdrabs. 23 Govt. Boys .P/S Gidran 'Wall 245000 ,-46- 2 200 U/C Maim Daggar 5000 Months 24 Govt. IModel. . P/S Patti., -Wala 245000 -dO- 2 200 U/C Ghulania 5000 Months 15 Govt. Boys E/S (P/P) NoOra 245000 -.do- 1 200 U/C Jandan Wala Rural 5000 Months 26 Govt. Girls P/S Abadi 245000 -do- 1 200 Khichian Wali U/C Chak No. 500• Months. 63/DB 27 Govt. Girls P/S Chak NO. 245000 -do 1 200 37/ML U/C Jandan Wala 5000 Months: 28, Govt. Girls P/S Bhoona Wala 245000 -AO- 7 200 U/C Ghtilama 5000 Months 29 Govt. Girls P/S Abadi Sandhi 245000 -do- / 200 U/C Maible Shard 5000 Months 30 Govt. Boys P/S Chak No. 184000 -do- 1 100 4/R.MG UIC Chak No. 67/N& 3700 Months 31 Govt. Boys P/S Kurtanay Wala 24500) -do- 2 200 U/C Gohar Wala 5000 Months 32 Govt. Boys P/$ Dent Ghulam 184000 -do- 2 11X1 Rasool U/C Litton 3700 Months 33 Govt. Boys P/S Chak No. 184000 -do!- 2 100 7/R'H U/C Haider Abad 3700 Months 34 Govt. Boys P/S Kotaney Wgda 245000 -do- 2 200 U/C Manhi 5000 Months 35 Govt. Boys P/S Mouza Khew 184000 -do- / 100 U/C Kliew 3700 Months
Note: If the tenders for any of the works not to received or cancelled due to any reason on scheduled date mentioned there in, the same will be issued on 17.03.2014 and be received on 26.03.2014. (KHALID MOHYBUD-DIN MEO) District Officer (Buildings) Bhakkar

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