Wasa Lda Lahore Tender Notice 2014

PHONE:-5757425,Fax 5871018. WASA TENDER NOTICEs.
Sealed tenders for the works mentioned below are invited from the NYASA, PlIF&111.10, approved contractors/Finns/Suppliers who have paid the renewal fee for the year 2013-14.

Wasa Lda Lahore Tender Notice 2014

Tender documents can be obtained from the office of inviting authority on written request accompanied with enlistment/renewal letter. Tender rates & amount should be filled in figures as well as in words. No tender will be issued o the contractors whose progress on the work already in hand is behind the schedule. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. Tender rates & amount should be filled in figures as well as words & lenders should be signed as per general direction given in the tender document. Tender must be accompanied with earnest money 2%in the shape of DCR from the schedule Bank, without DCR tender will not be entertained. WASA. Shall have right of rejecting any or all of the tenders without any reason thereof, other terms & conditions mentioned in tender document. Any other information can be obtained from the office of the inviting authority during working hours. In ease the total tendered amount is less that 5%(Five) of the approved estimated amount, the lowest bidder will have to deposit additional performance security from the schedule Bank 5 tol 0% Which never is applicable.
Sr# Name of work & Tender# Estimated cost. Tender Price. Tender Invited By Tendert, 0/01-1/RT/13-14/190/FOK Improvement of sewerage in different streets Boots Park Begum Kot Part-A,Street #2 19126881- 958/- O&M-I Ravi Town. Tendert/ O&M-URT/13-14/19INDK Improvement of sewerage in different streets Boots Park Begum Kot Part-B, Ilameed parkStreet #15 10736441- 537/- -do-Tender# O&M-URI/13-14/1921RK Improvement of sewerage in different streets Boots Park Begum Kot Para, Ghauraya street. 19018711- 952/- -do-'I ender# 0&81-1/RT/13-14/193/FDK Imprthement of sewerage in different streets Boots Park Be urn Kot Part-D,Main Sabz eff road. I803369/- 902/- -d - Tendert! O&M-I/RT/13-141194/FDK Improvement of sewerage in different streets Boots Park Begum Kot Part-E,Sabz peer to Chah Chimanala road. 1410526/-707/- -do-Tender# O&M-11/1T/13-1412051 Repairing of 30" dia settled sewer at Debra Bazar Feroz ur road. 3577907/- I790/- O&M-II lqbal town. Tendert: 0&81-111RT/13-14/130/SB. Rewinding of motor at Yasrab Colony tube)) ell. I33380/- 70/- OMNI Ravi Town. Tender# O&M..II/RT/13-14/131/SB. Rewinding of of motor at Shahab stadium tubew cll. 133380/. 70/-
last dale for issue tender:- 7-2-14 Opening date :-8-2-14(12.00 noon).

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