Provincial Highway Division Hyderabad Tender of Notice

Provincial Highway Division Hyderabad Tender of Notice

Sealed tenders are invited as per S.P.P Rules 2010 from the interested persons / contractors / companies / firms on Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs) for procurement of the following works S. Name of Work Tender Earnest Tender Completion No. Cost Money Fee Period
1. Construction of Southern Bye Pass Road 15.00 0.300 0.003 10 mile 3/2-4/2. (M) (M) (M) Months PROGRAMME FOR ISSUE/RECEIPT AND OPENING OF TENDERS
1. Last date of receipt of application and issuance of tenders after publication of the N.I.T. in newspaper up to 1.00 p.m. (any working day) 6-2-2014 2. Tender will be receipt at 2:30 p.m. and open on the same day at 330 p.m. 6-2-2014
In case of un-response of the Tenders next date of issue/opening are shown below:- 2nd 21-2-2014 at 12:00 p.m. & 21-2-2014 at 3:00 p.m.  TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDERS 1. Contract documents and other terms and condition can be seen and blank tenders obtained from the office of the undersigned situated at near Faran Hotel, Saddar Hyderabad bearing office Phone No 022-9200068 on payment of cost as shown against each. The bid Security is shape of Call Deposit/Pay Order/Demand Draft from any Scheduled Bank of Pakistan in favor of the undersigned should be submitted at the time of submission of Bid/Tenders. 2. No conditional tenders will be entertained. 3. The tender will opened in presence of the Procurement Committee i.e. Project Manager, Project Implementation Unit, Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas Dual Carriageway Project Hyderabad, the undersigned and the Division Accounts Officer in presence of the Contractors or their authorized representative who may wish to be present. 4. If the undersigned happens to be out of the Head quarter on the date of opening of tenders the same will be opened on the next working day at 1.00 p.m. S. Undertaking on Affidavit that firm is not involved in any litigation or abandoned any work in the department. 6. Affidavit to the effect that the firm/contractors have not been blacklisted previously by any executing agency. 7. Affidavit with effect that all documents / particulars / information furnished are true and correct. 8. In case of firm, list of partners/partnership deed, giving full particulars of Directors/proprietors or other connected along with power of attorney. In case of being sole proprietors such undertaking on affidavit be furnished. 9. Eligibility conditions for intending participants in case of works costing of Rs. 2.50 (M) and above will be as under, (i) Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant field of specialization of work & to the extent of tender amount of each work. (a) Bio-data of Engineers & Technical staff working with the firm. (iii) Documentary evidence work of executed/works in progress and certificate of satisfactory completion of works by the employers. (iv) List of work in progress indicating cost of each work and copy of letter of award of work. (v) List of machinery and equipment available with documentary evidence of its ownership certificate of bank showing credit worthiness along with Bank Statement. (vi) Registration with Income Tax Department (NTN certificates) and copy of SIC if individual. Sd/- EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY DIVISION HYDERABAD 

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