Pakistan Navy Karachi Tender for Notice

Pakistan Navy Karachi Tender for Notice

1. All GST/Income TAX registered firms/suppliers are invited for supply of following items to Pakistan Navy at VSD Karachi and PN Units at Coastal Area. The offer for Vegetable (Tinned or Equivalent) Tomatoes is to be submitted in terms of para 36 (b) of PPRA rule 2004. i.e single stage two envelops procedure. Delivery of items will be made by the firms at their own arrangements.
S.No. Description Quantity with Accounting Unit Tender To Be Issued On Tender To Be Opened On Delivery Period Delivery Place 1. Vegetable (Tinned or Equivalent) Tomatoes 6500 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 aorn S91 gr nYge rf fcr r tahcet VSD Karachi 2. Jam Tinned Equivalent (Mango) 5,000 Kgs 20-1-14 One year from the 6-2-14 Signing of contract. VSD Karachi 3. Chilies Powder 16,500 Kgs 20-1-14 One year from the 6-2-14 Signing of contract. VSD Karachi 4. Onion Fresh 25,000 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area 5. Mutton Dressed 54,450 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area 6. Eggs 12,500 Dzns 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area 7. Tomatoes Fresh 14,700 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area 8. Potatoes Fresh 37,000 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area 9. Beef Dressed 19,000 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area 10. Chicken Dressed 22,700 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area Fruit Fresh 16,000 Kgs 20-1-14 6-2-14 One year from the Signing of contract. Coastal Area
2. Invitation to tender forms may be collected during working hours from Office of the Commander Depot Group (COMDEP), at Naval Stores Sub Depot, West Wharf Road, Karachi on payment of tender fee @ Rs.500/- per tender. Tender may also be downloaded from PPRA website ( Tender will be opened at Office of the COMDEP at 1100 hours on above date. Interested reputed firms/suppliers who have previous experience of supply of said commodities may apply/contact for more details on following address/phone number:
PID(K) 1.6/14
Office of the COMDEP At Naval Stores Sub Depot, West Wharf Road, Karachi. Tel: 021-48508245

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