Gc University Lahore Tender of Notice

Gc University Lahore Tender of Notice
150 Years of Excellence GC University Lahore
TENDER NOTICE 0 Sealed Tenders/Offers from reputable firms against tender No:DPC(Admin)/GCU/0009/14 are invited for the Printing of: 1. FA/FSc I.Com Prospectus 2014 (FCS GCU Lahore) 2. GCU Prospectus 2014 (FCS GCU Lahore) Tender documents (BOO and Terms & Conditions etc.) can be obtained from the office of DPC (Administrative Departments) GC University, Lahore on payment of Rs.1,0001- in UBL GCU Branch, Lahore. 0 The vendor/printer must have their own printing press and also required to provide declaration of printing press issued by competent authority as a proof of ownership at the time of purchase of tender documents. 0 The sealed tenders will be received and opened in the presence of the participants on 04 February 2014 at 02:30 PM in the Office of DPC (Adminrstrative Department), GC University, Lahore.
MOM Vendors must quote their rates on the letter head of their company. The tender must be accompanied by 2 % bid security of the total bid amount in the form of CDR in favor of Treasurer GC University Lahore. Vendors must provide Professional Tax Certificate (2013- 2014) at the time of purchase of tender documents. Tender documents will not be issued after 03 February 2014.

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