Admission-Pimsat Institute of Higher Education Lahore 2014

Admission-Pimsat Institute of Higher Education Lahore 2014
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Chartered by the Governmental SINDH. Awarded Highest category W(Al by HEC Islamabad. NOC by Government of Punjab.
Admissions Spring Semester 2014
MBA (Morning/ Evening/ Weekend) Specializations . Banking & Finance  Management HRM  Accounting / Finance  Marketing Information Technology BBA (Hone) (Morning/ Evening/ Weekend) MBA/BBA (Professional/ Accounting/ Finance) ININCOM (Accounting/ Finance/ Marketing)
BS(Hons) Technology B S Mons) Telecommunication
B.Tech (Pass)
B.Tech (Hoes)
BI T(Hons) Bachelor in IT
M S Telecommunication
M -Tech MCS (Electrical, Electronics &
Sunday Open
MSc Psychology MI 'Laster in IT
4-A, New Muslim Tow, Near Punjab University, New Campus Bridge, Lahore, }Tel: 042-35883721,35884237. 0321-8439950

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