Printing & Stationery Department Karachi Tender of Notice

Printing & Stationery Department Karachi Tender of Notice
Gate No. 4, Governor House Com sound Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi-75530
NOTICE INVITING TENDER In pursuance of the requirements of the Superintendent, Sindh Government Press Karachi, the Assistant Controller, Sindh Government Press Khairpur and the Assistant Controller, Stationery & Forms Office, Karachi, the Printing & Stationery Department invites sealed bids from interested firms or persons registered with the General Sales Tex, Income Tax and Excise & Taxations Department and Sindh Revenue Board for the following items during the financial year 2013-2014. (1) Supply of Durable Goods (2) Repairs, Overhauling and Servicing of Offset/Letter Press/Allied Pre & Post Printing Machines. (3) Disposal of Paper cuttings (waste paper), Used Offset Plates (GTO/MO/SORS) and lifting of old newspaper (Urdu/English). (4) (a) Different kinds of printing materials (Part-I) (b) Different kinds of printing materials (Part-II) (c) Different kinds of printing materials (Part-Ill) Sets of Bidding Documents containing details of required items may be purchased from the office of the Manager Book Depot Near Gate No. 4, Governor House Compound, Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi on submission of written application on their letterheads on payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 250/- (per set) during office hours. Deadline of issuance of bidding documents is up to 04.02.2014 before close of office hours. All bids must be accompanied by Bid Security at the rate of five percent of the amount in the form of Pay Order / Demand Draft on or before 10:30 hours, on 06.02.2014 Bids will be opened at 11:00 hours on the same day in the Committee Room of office of the Controller, Printing & Stationery Department, Government of Sindh, Karachi in presence of all the members of Procurement Committee, bidders or their representatives who intend to attend it. • The bidders should follow the detailed terms & conditions indicated in the bid documents. • The Procuring Agency may reject all or any bids subject to the relevant provisions of SPPRA Rules. Sd/- ACCOUNTS OFFICER PRINTING & STATIONERY DEPARTMENT

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