Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Khairpur Mir's Tender for Notice

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Khairpur Mir's Tender for Notice

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Shaheed Zulfiquar All Bhutto Campus, Khairpur Mir's
In continuation to this office NIT No. PD/MUETIKHP/-366 dated: 27-11-2013, Notice for Pre-Qualification of Electrical Contractors published in the Daily Dawn dated: 02-12-2013, Daily Jang Karachi, Sindh Express Hyderabad, Jeejal Hyderabad dated 30-11-2013 and hosted at website of SPPRA & MUET Jamshoro, the said invitation for pre-qualification shall be deemed to be amended by inserting the following conditions as given below: i. The applicant contractors should have experience of Electrical works involving following type of specialized fields: a. Internal & External Electrifications with HV/LV Lines Switchgears, Sub-stations and Protection Equipments b. HVAC Works of Public/Private/Commercial Buildings C. Sound System and Public Address System d. Security, Safety Surveillance System including CCTV and Fire Alarm System e. Building Automation System and Energy Generation System including Installation of Diesel/Gas Generators/ Alternate Energy (Solar/Wind/Bio Mass) System Installations f. Low Voltage and High Voltage Installation including Machinery/Lab Equipments for Electrical, Electronic and Alternate Energy Systems g. Telecommunication including installation of External Telecommunication Works h. IT and Software Engineering Works i. Any other specialized Electrical, Electronic and Alternate Energy Works other than as above ii. The contractors having experience in the fields mentioned above and having registration certificate of PEC mentioning field of specialization as EE01, EE02, EE03, EE04, EE05, EE06, EE07, EE08 & EE09 may apply for Pre-qualification on terms/conditions and procedure already published in papers, amended here and as per Pre-qualification Documents. iii. All applicant contractors whose PEC Certificate 2013/2014 does not bear even a single field of specialization as per point # ii above, their application will be declared non responsive/rejected/unfit for electrical works and others whose PEC Certificate bear at least one or two field(s) of specialization as per point It ii above and their application are in process with PEC for incorporation of other field(s) of specialization in their PEC Certificate, such contractors will be required to give their undertaking on their company Pad duly stamped that they have applied to PEG for incorporation of field(s) of specialization (out of point # ii above) and they will get registered with PEG for their field of specialization as per application as soon as possible not later than 30-04-2014 failing which the Procuring Agency may decide about the cancellation of pre-qualification certificate barring their participation in the bids for electrification of amount exceeding Rs. 2.500 (Millions). iv. Those who have already applied for Pre-qualification (in sealed envelopes) need not to apply afresh except if they desire to submit any additional documents in support of their earlier application within deadline for submission this Corrigendum through press, website and sent through registered covering letter to contractors who have already got issued pre-qualification document/Evaluation criteria. v. The new applicants may get issued Pre-Qualification Documents/Evaluation Criteria from office of the undersigned from 16-01-2014 to 30-01-2014 during working office hours and may submit the same to undersigned up to 1200 Hrs on 31-01-2014 in properly sealed envelopes. vi. The envelopes containing applications and Pre-qualification Documents submitted by contractor shall be opened at 1230 Hrs on 31-01-2014 in the presence of contractors or their representatives who desired to be present at the time of opening of application envelopes. vii. Deadline & date/time of opening of envelopes may be deemed as extended on next working day/date if the existing dates are declared public holidays.
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Phone No: 0243-9280314

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