University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Lahore Tender for Notice

University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Lahore Tender for Notice

Project Director
OFFICE OF THE PROJECT DIRECTOR (Building & Works Department) University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore INVITING TENDER NOTICE
Sealed tenders are invited from the enlisted contractors of 1' VAS. for the year 2013-14 for the following works (AT CVAS, Ailing District Mang), The estimates arc prepared on basis of MRS 131 - Annual Period (1st August, 20)3 to 31st January 2014) District Jhang, & market Rates,
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Earnest Tender Compl-No Cost Money. Fee etion Period I Construction of Sheds and Boundary Wall at CVAS, Thane (Group I) A COTIM rue t ion of 47,80.000/- Experimental Animal Shed B Construction of Dairy Farm: 48.10.000/- C Construction of Small pithy 72.10.000/- Farm D. Construction of .Boundary 57.30,000/- Wall Total (Group I) 2,25,30.000/- 4,50,600/- 11,270/- 18-Month 2 Construction of Boys Hostel at CVAS, Mang (Group II) 3.07,00.000/- 6,I4,000/- I5,350/- 18-Month Construction of Residences at CVAS. Jhang (Group HI) A Construction of 04 - nos. Res. 92,20.000/r Grade 1-10 B Construction of 02 - nos. 60,07,000/- Res. Grade 11-14 C Construction of 02 - nos. 1,17,40,000/ Res. Grade 18-19 a Construction of 01 - nos. 76,70,000/- Res. Grade 20 Total (Group III) 3,46,37,000/- 6,92,7401- 17,3201- 18-.Month
Tenders will be issued in the office of Executive Engineer (B&W) on 27th January, 2014 in working hours on the production of C.D.R at the rate of 2% of estimated cost from any Scheduled Bank in the favor of Treasurer, UVAS, Lahore. The tenders will be received on 3rd February, 2014 at 01.00 PM in the office of Executive Engineer (Building & Works) and will be opened on same day. i.e 3rd February, 2014 in the presence of contractors or their authorized representatives at 01:30 PM. The University authorities reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the ten-ders without assigning any reason. Conditional and by post or tel-egraphic tenders will not be entertained. Any other information, if required, may be obtained from the office of the Executive Engineer Building & Works Department on any working day dur-ing the office hours.
(MUZAFFAR AHMAD) Project Director

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