Ifc World Bank Group Pakistan Tender Notice

Ifc World Bank Group Pakistan Tender Notice

In partnership with: Join The Global Network of Expert SME Training Providers And Start Delivering Excellence
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries. Private sector expansion in emerging markets is closely linked to the success of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, IFC considers it a strategic priority to promote the growth of SMEs through sustainable initiatives.
What is Business Edge®? Business Edge is a training program developed by IFC to improve the managerial skills of owners and managers of SMEs. IFC accredits qualified training providers, allowing them to offer Business Edge locally.
What is the Market Opportunity for Business Edge? Despite its large size and tremendous contribution, the SME sector in developing countries is still largely underserved. Business Edge offers a unique opportunity for training providers to tap into the SME market and grow their businesses.

Who Uses Business Edge? Globally, large corporations boost the efficiency of their value chains by having suppliers and distributors take Business Edge training. Financial Institutions enhance the bankability of potential customers by asking them to learn business fundamentals through Business Edge. Universities and development organizations use Business Edge to train students, young professionals, and specific community groups in order to help them develop better income prospects.
Globally, over 200,000 individuals have been trained through Business Edge. With an average trainee satisfaction rate above 90 percent, Business Edge is proven to positively impact SME management and performance.

How will my Firm Benefit from Business Edge® Accreditation? More than 500 trainers and 65 training and consulting firms in 34 countries around the world actively choose to get Business Edge accreditation. 

As a partner, you will be able to: 
Apply the interactive Business Edge methodology, based in proven learning theory, to design and deliver training solutions with demonstrable impact; 
1: Customize around 60 top-notch Business Edge courses covering key management competencies into solutions that meet your market demands; 
2: Have your staff' trained in program quality assurance, trainer assessment, marketing, and business development; 
3: Become a member of the fast-growing community of international training partners; 
4: Receive support from local IFC staff in networking and lead generation; 
5: Gain access to regional markets and opportunities within IFC; 
6: Use our online marketing portal to brand your services; and 
7: Keep track of your Business Edge portfolio through a specialized database.

Who is IFC looking for? In order to ensure the maximum reach of Business Edge in Pakistan, IFC is now seeking additional service providers with extensive experience in providing management training to Pakistani SMEs. Preference will be given to organizations with operations in Peshawar, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Multan, Hyderabad, Quetta, and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The selected service providers will attend capacity building workshops starting in February 2015.
Interested service providers should 

VISIT: www.businessedgeworld.com and click on Trainers/Becoming a Partner to download the service provider registration form. 

Please e-mail the completed facet to: jiqbal@ifc.org, achishti@ifc.org, and zkhan4@ifc.org by December 20, 2014. You can e-mail your enquiries latest byDecember 15,2014.

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