Dhq Hospital Pakpattan Tenders

Dhq Hospital Pakpattan Tenders
Sealed tenders are required for the purchase of Tibbi Home medicines to be used in the District Headquarters Hospital, Pakpattan. Tender forms can be obtained froth the Medical Superintendent, DHQ Hospital Pakpattan against payment of Rs.5001- (non-returnable). All the tenders will have to be submitted in this office within 15 days from the date of publication up to 12:00 noon. Tenders will be opened in the office of the Undersigned in: the presence of tenders or their authorized representatives as per the detail given below.,
The District Purchase Committee of Health Department, Pakpattan reserves the right to cancel any tender under PPRA Rules 2014. which could not be challenged in any court of law. The following documents must be attached with the tender. Tender will be rejected in case of cutting of any kind. Submit the tenders after preparing them under PPRA Rules 2014.
Sr.#      Security Deposit
1 Tibbi Medicines 02% 2 Homo Medicines 02%
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The quotation will be given for the hospital rate of the above mentioned medicines. The successful bidder will have to submit an amount equal to two per cent of the budget of ate relevant organization ustDR. 

DETAIL OF DOCUMENTS: Two attested copies of identity card. Two attested copies of Sales/Income Tax:

An affidavit on a stamp paper to the effect that the rates, offered to Health Department, District Pakpattan are not more than any other department. The bidder will be responsible to deposit the difference if it is found anywhere, t. Tender technical and financial offers must he enclosed in two separateenvelopes. For the technical one; the renewal of licence as Nvel I as not being blank listed is a must. 

5. Further information about tender. items 'and-complete terms & conditions is also available on PPRA  

Note: The detail of all the items in the tender (Reference Trend List) can be obtained from the pharmacist of this hospital. MD Abdul Ariz Khalid Medical Superintendent, DHQ Hospital, Pakpattan 0457373484/pakpattandhohospital@gmail.com ,(1,1112.;-G) 1.PL-15091

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