Wapda Power Station Tarbela Tender Notice

Wapda Power Station Tarbela Tender Notice
WAPDA, Hyde! Power Station, Tarbela,
Tender Number (for Identification)
Name of Procuring Agency
Title of Procurement (Indicating Type & Quantity)
Super-scribed tenders under sealed covers for procurement of Guard Valve and Wicket Gate Lock Cylinder for Units 11-14 of Tarbela Power Station, on F.O.B. basis.
Eligibility of Contractors/Suppliers
i. Foreign suppliers must submit the proforma invoice of the original manufacturer to whom they represent. ii. Local agents must be Sales Tax Registered Firms. WAPDA registered firms but in line with business can also apply subject to submission of 2% earnest money of their quoted price. iv. Bonafide Manufacturers and their authorized suppliers.
Contact (for Seeking Bidding Documents)
Tender documents can be obtained from the following offices during duty hours on any working day before the tender opening date: GENERAL MANAGER (HYDEL) OPERATION, WAPDA, 185- WAPDA HOUSE, LAHORE. PHONE # 042-99202288, 99202211/2186. FAX # 042-99202159 EMAIL: gmhyde12002@hotmailicom, gmhydeI2003@yahoo.com. o CHIEF ENGINEER (POWER), WAPDA-POWER STATION, TARBELA. POST CODE: 23470, DISTRICT SWABI, KHYBER PAKHTUN KHAWA, PAKISTAN. PHONE # +92 938 272230-32. +92 938 503283 FAX # +92938 273286, EMAIL: cetarbelapower@gmail.com
Tender Fee
Tender documents costing Rs,1 .000/- each (non-refundable) in the shape of pay-order/bank draft in favour of the following: • Manager Finance (Hydel), WAPDA Lahore, payable on M/s Habib Bank Limited, Gardee Square Branch, Lahore. (Account No. 1030-59). * Chief Engineer (Power) WAPDA Tarbela Dam, payable on Mis Habib Bank Limited, G.I.K.I Branch, Topi-1979 (A/C No.19790006519303).
Last Date of Obtaining Bidding Documents
18-03-2014 upto 1100 Hrs.
Closing Time & Date as well as Place for Receiving Bids
1100 Hrs. dated 19-03-2014, Power Station, Tarbela.
Time & Location of Public Opening of Bids (on the Date of their Receipt)
1130 Hrs. on 19-03-2014 on the Conference Room (Units 1-10), at Power Station. Tarbela.
The undersigned reserves all rights including rejecting of any one or all tenders as per PPRA Rule No. 33(1). Tenders received through telex/fax and through mail after 1100 Hrs. of the opening date will not be entertained/considered. For further details, Inspection, Test & Record Engineer (ITRE) Office of the Chief Engineer (Power) WAPDA, Tarbela may be contacted during duty hours on any working day, (Phone # 0938-272230-32). All Rights Reserved.
This notice is also available at PPRA Website; www.pprasorg.pk
PID(L)1448(14) Website: wybfw.wapda.govopk PRD349(14)

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