Provincial Highways Division Badin Tender of Notice

Provincial Highways Division Badin Tender of Notice
No: TC / G-55 / 45 / 2014 Dated: 21-01-2014
Sealed tenders as per SPPRA Rules 2010 are hereby invited from the interested persons / suppliers / contractors / companies on B-I Form for execution / procurement of the following works:-
Sr. 01
Name of Work
Improvement of road from Artillery Chack to Eido Nohrio Goth mile 0/0-1/0. Improvement of road from Nindo Shahar to village Budho Dasti via Deh Khakhar mile 0/0-1/0. W/R of road from Digri to Rajo Khanani via Budho Kambrani Deh-170 mile 8/4-9/4. Construction of road from Phurdo Jamali to Khadharo mile 6/0-7/4. Construction of road from Badin-Hyderabad Road to Chutal Junejo mile 0/0-0/2.
Estimated Bid Tender Completion Cost Security Fee Period 03 04 05 06 20.000 2% of Bid 0.003 12 (M) Amount (M) Months 20.000 2% of Bid 0.003 12 (M) Amount (M) Months 21.000 2% of Bid 0.003 12 (m) Amount (M) Months 21.000 2% of Bid 0.003 12 WO Amount (M) Months 4.500 2% of Bid 0.003 12 (m) Amount (m) Months
1. The intending participants / contractors can purchase the separate set of tenders on any working day from appearance of the N.I.T in the newspapers / website on payment of tender fee as shown against each work upto 24-02-2014 at 1:00 PM and same will be received back & opened on 24-02-2014 at 2:00 PM in presence of tender opening / evaluation committee & bidders or their authorized representatives who wish to be present. 2. Eligibility conditions for intending participants are as under_ (i) Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant field of specialization of work & to the extent of tender amount of each work.
(ii) Bio-data of Engineers & Technical staff working with the firm. (iii) Documentary evidence work of executed/works in progress and certificate of satisfactory completion of work by the employers. (iv) List of works in progress indicating cost of each work and copy of letter of award of work. (v) List of machineries and equipments available with documentary evidence of its ownership certificates of bank showing credit worthiness along with bank statement. (vi) No conditional or telegraphic tender will be entertained. •(vii) No tender without bid security will be considered. (viii) Single-Stage — One-Envelope Procedure will be adopted for above procurements. (ix) In case the tenders remain unresponded on above mentioned date, the same will again be issued and opened in presence of the committee on the following date and same terms & conditions: Sale of Blank Tenders Opening Time of the Tenders  01. Sale of Blank Tender upto Tenders will be received back & 12-03-2014 at 1:00 PM. opened at 2:00 PM on same date i.e. 12-03-2014. (x) The Procuring Agency may reject any or all bids subject to the relevant provisions of PPRA Rules. Registration with Income Tax Department (NTN Certificate) and copy of N.I.C. Undertaking on stamp paper that the firm is not involved in any litigation or abandoned any work in the department. The bidders should submit bid security as shown against each work in shape of call deposit / pay order prepared from the scheduled bank in favour of the undersigned. Affidavit to the effect that the firm / contractor has not been blacklisted previously by any executing agency. Affidavit to the effect that all documents / particulars / information furnished are true and correct. In case of firm, list of partners / Partnership Deed, giving full particulars of Directors / Proprietors or other connected along with Power of Attorney. In case of being sole proprietors such undertaking  on stamp paper be furnished. In case of works costing below Rs. 2.500 (M) the conditions at S.No. 2 will not be applicable. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY DIVISION, BADIN 

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