Usaid Complementary Reading Program

Usaid Complementary Reading Program
Complementary Reading Program (CRP) - CRP Grants/RFA#001/2014 Community Managed Reading (CMR) - CMR Grants/2014
USAID Pakistan Reading Project is a five year project supported by the Government of Pakistan and funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal of USAID Pakistan Reading Project is to improve the quality of reading. USAID Pakistan Reading Project has initiated a Small Grants Program with the purpose of engaging Pakistani civil society organizations to develop and lead projects aimed at piloting or scaling-up effective models to stimulate reading, introduce additional reading materials at the community level, and support research related to reading acquisition and correlating factors. There are two types of grant opportunities under this request for applications: Complementary Reading Project (CRP) Grants: CRP Grants will support local organizations to design and implement projects that promote reading and to undertake activities that promote innovation in reading techniques, sustainability of reforms, education research, public education, and consensus building. Eligible applicants include registered Pakistani NGOs (LNG0s), under-developed LNG0s, organizations specializing in operational research or other stakeholders. Community Managed Reading (CMR) Grants: CMR Grants will fund Pakistani organizations to promote a culture of reading in Pakistan by working with local communities to promote and embrace the importance of reading and engage communities in demanding quality education. Community Based Organizations (CB0s), Parent Teacher Associations, School Management Committees, Student Groups, and other education-focused stakeholder groups are eligible for this grant.
More details regarding applicant and regional eligibility, submission instructions, regional office addresses and other relevant information are covered in RFA & application forms and can be downloaded from

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