Tender Notice Lahore City Division Lahore

Tender Notice Lahore City Division Lahore
Lahore City Division Lahore Sealed tenders based on Stondadized Market Roles (amended opt) the dole of receipt of tenders) ore knifed for the work mentioned below from the contractors / bans misted with Caw Deportment / W&S Deportment City District Govarrnent, Lahore in the field of Buidings Works who have got theft names renewed / enisted for the financial year 2013.14. lender documents can be obtained from the office of Executive District Officer (Works & Services) /District Officer (Bungs) Whore CRy Division No. 2, CDG, Lahore against written reNest accompanied wilh attested copies of enistrnent / up to dale renewd letter and fee receipt, production of wild enrol PEC License for the current calendar year, 2014, authonfy letter on pad form of the conhacia I fin, CNC of the contractor I Monocjng palner of the frm .dongvAlli registered power of attorney and for hansperency payment of prescribed lee as shown before each work, trough a Bonk Chalon to be deposited in Head of Account "1240 PW Receipt* (District Government AccounWV) in fovov of Dishict Officer (Buirings.11) City District Government, Lahore. lender fee shot not be received in shape of cosh. Tenders be Issued immedately on the pubkolion of the advertisement of Tender Hake by the °fogad offices riving office hours upto 11/0312014 under provision of PRA Rules Para-23 (Q. Tendered rotes and amounts shorid be Red in figures. as wel as, in wads ond tender shard be signed as per general Sections given lithe lendadocument, Tenders wit be received & opened by the District Tender Board City District Government, Lahore in the office of the undersigned on 14/03/2014 at 1:00 PA (under provision a PPRA Rules 13 (Q in the pretence of Committee / intendrig contractors or 'heir authorized representatives who axe for some. Conoitiond lender and fenders not accompanied with Earnest Money in shape of denosit.atscall receipt from schedule Bank and attested copies of registered partnership deed and power of attorney ii case of frm vnt not be entedained. Eames! money to be deposited wi be 2%, In case of tendered amount quoted is 5% below a less beyond 5% below of estimated cost, the lowest bidder shol have to deposit performance secuily i shape of Deposit-al-coil from a schedule bank equivalent to dillerence of the estimated cost as per slowing instructions of Goverment of the Puriob. Any infamation defol of work regarding the lenders mentioned below con be obtained from the Divonal Head Clerk airing office *me. Issue of lenders wit be wiled to the poky of District Government Authorities regacing measves to ensure pogess / quay of works shown by controclas os reviewed from lime to Note • In case of any typographically mistake, if noticed, the or4rial documents wil be referred to.
U. NAPA Of WOO Emus Cost I comnum TIRO Ala 1.2!.. / EunerAorm Up-gradotion (Addiond Goss Rooms) of Government Panay Schad Moll [oboe to Midde S. Lahore (Risk crd cost balance vok) Rs.10,00,000/- 0114onlh 500/. Rs.20,000/- 2. Up-godotion of lAdollional Goss Room) of Goverment Panay School Manak. Lahore to Middle levet Lahore (Risk and cost bdonce work) Rs.5,00,0001- 014,ion1h 250/. Rs.10,DXV-Cautrucfion of 5-Adoitionol Classrooms ol Government Gins tfigher Secondary School, Shohdoro, Lahore Rs.4535.000/• 02-Months 2300/. Rs.90,70(11- • Conshuction of 3-Addliond Classrooms of Government Koh School, tither, lohae Cart: Rs20,00,000/- 45-Days 1500/- ks.60.0001- Construction of 2-Add bond Clossrooms of Government ifgh School, Pondoki, Lohore R5.20,00,0201- 01-Month 10001- Rs.40X0/- ' Caistruction of 3-Addlional Classrooms at Government High School Allob Awan, idiom Rs200,000/- 01-Month g Rs.40,000/- Consfruclion of 4-Addlional Classroom at Government high School, laktioN, Latin Rs.40,45,0001- 02-Marti 2025/- Rs.81,0001- ' Construction of 2-Addiond Classrooms of Government ligh Schxl. Dull° Khurd, [chore Rs20,0110001- 01-Month 1000/- Rs.40,000/- Constniction of •ddlional CIOSIOOMS of Government tigh School Shohzada, Whore Rs.19.53,C00/- 01-Month 1000/- -,_ Rs..10,u0- 10. Reconskyclion of Ming. Crowd, 1st & secaid Roam clossroorns A Verandah. Computer and Science Lob, HM office and staff rooms of Government Eck Model Girls HO School, Sultan PuraIHR Rs.1,74,49,000/- 02-Months 87251- Rs.3,18980/- IL Reconstruction of bolding at Government Girls High School. Kornahan. Lahore Rs.86,39.000/- 02-Months 4320F R5.1,73,0301- t4---1 Improvement & Renovation of Comp Olfce No.10-Aiman Rood, of GOR-1, lave (Cormiksioner Lahore Divon Whore) Rs. 6,00,000/- 01-Month 3)01- Rs.12,0001- 13. installation of loots Bomb Blast of Proni Ana' Kci Sinai Itirroa Shop, Lahore. Rs.2.11 A-15-Days 1051. Rs.52,0001- 14. ' Improvement / Renovation of Ex-District Coat, Lahore Not Hal Mthaom Occasions) Rs.4,06.0)31- 15-fkrys 2051- Rs32.000/- 15 . MR to Ex-Dishicl Courts other worts and Wash Room Ground Floor (Tie and Sordary). Rs.3,00,0:131- 15-Days 1501- Rs4D001- 16. knprovement I Renovation of 7-Golf Rood, Whore DCO Comp Nice (construction of boundary wet and other works} . R5.13,57,030/- 01-Month 680/- Rs.27.140/- !:-.1 Improvement / Renovation of City District Government Residence al ferozepur Rood, Late (DCO Jelin Mita Mehmoodul-Hosson) Rs.2 t..,000/- 15-Days 1451- Rs.5.7401- 18. WR to office of Accants Officer / Head Clerk office of DistrictOfficer (Wings} [chore City Division No.2. [chore Rs2RS1XQL 15.Days isob Rs.5.9801- 17. Rep* of Security Camera! DVR and Rood Mocker of House No.180-H, Model I own, Lahore Rs.1150,000/- is.Days 751. 3k00/- 20. M/R to Ex-Dshict Court, Lahore (rain cordon and roars) Rsa- Rs.6,0031- inuys iv. 21. M/R to Mosque in Ex-District Court, Lthat and main bounday will Rs3,00,000/- 15.Days 150/. Rs.6X01- 22. Improvement / Renovation to Norway of Begun Rood, Lahore, Rs.8,1CO,C00/. 01-month 400/. Rs.16,000/- 23. Improvement / Renovation at Dispensay at Hari Shoh Rood, Mozong Addo, Lahore. Rs.5,00,0001- 01-Month 2501- Rs.10,0031- 2t MIR to Morn Cable Wre 1910.M. 4-Core in Dishicl Court blare. Rs.1,82,000/- 15-Doys 1CCI-Rs.3450/- 25. MIR of Acknithala dfice at Town lidl i/c Replacement of Mullimedo Projector. Rs.3,00,CC01- 15-Days 1501- Rs.6,030/- 26. Provisian of Sorbed wire for Scarily measue on V.V.1P Movement. Rs.1,50,C001- 15.00ys 151. Rs. 3.0001- 27. Making security arrangement for Chief Mter of Puriab Rs. 9.25,000/- 01 .month 4651. late. Rs. 18,500/- DISTRICT OFFICER (BUILDINGS) (SECRETARY DISTRICT TENDER BOARD) 1PL-2023 LAHORE CITY DMSION NO.2, LAHORE

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