Secretary Health Department Hafizabad Tender Notice

Secretary Health Department Hafizabad Tender Notice
Procurement of Medical Equipments for newly-constructed Trauma Centre, Hafizabad
Government of Punjab, Health Department, invites sealed bids from the firms having established credentials in terms of Technical, Financial and Managerial capabilities for the supply of medical equipments for newly-constructed Trauma Centre, Hafizabad, as per details given below during current financial year (2013-2014) on Free Delivery to Consignee's end on CFR/ FOR basis:
SO (P-III) 49-1/2014 SO (P-III) 49-2/2014 SO (P-III) 49-3/2014 SO (P-III) 49-4/2014 SO (P-III) 49-5/2014 SO (P-III) 49-6/2014 SO (P-III) 49-7/2014 SO (P-III) 49-8/2014 SO (P-III) 49-9/2014 SO (P-III) 49-10/2014 SO (P-III) 49-11/2014 SO (P-III) 49-12/2014 SO (P-III) 49-13/2014 SO (P-III) 49-14/2014 SO (P-III) 49-15/2014 SO (P-III) 49-16/2014 SO (P-III) 49-17/2014 SO (P-III) 49-18/2014 SO (P-III) 49-19/2014 SO (P-III) 49-20/2014 SO (P-III) 49-21/2014
Package-1 Package-2 Package-3 Package-4 Package-5 Package-6 Package-7 Package-8 Package-9 Package-10 Package-11 Package-12 Package-13 Package-14 Package-15 Package-16 Package-17 Package-18 Package-19 Package-20 Package-21
Monitoring and Diagnostics Anesthesia & Ventilation Suction & Nebulizational O.T. Equipment Medical Furniture (Local) Ward Equipment & Instruments Surgical Instruments Autoclaves Laboratory Equipment-I Laboratory Equipment-II Laboratory Equipment-Ill Radio Diagnostic Equipment-I Radio Diagnostic Equipment-II Computer System Office Furniture (Wooden) Linen Transport-I Transport-II Power Generator Refrigerator & Air-Conditioner Urology Endoscope
2. Interested bidders may get the bidding documents from the office of Section Officer (P-III), Government of the Punjab, Health Department, 01-Birdwood Road, Provincial Health Development Centre (PHDC), Lahore, on submission of written application on letter head and a copy of CNIC along with payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 1,000/- (one thousand only) for each bidding document (package). Bidding document including detailed specifications, terms and conditions shall be issued upto 10-03-2014 till 04:00 pm. 3. 02% Bid Security shall be attached with the bid in the shape of Irrevocable Bank Guarantee or CDR from any Scheduled Bank otherwise tender will be rejected. 4. Single Stage - Two Envelopes bidding procedure shall be applied. The envelopes shall be marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" AND "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" in bold and legible letters. Financial Proposal of bids found technically non-responsive shall be returned un-opened to the respective bidders. 5. Procurements shall be governed under the Punjab Procurement Rules 2009. 6. Sealed bids are required to be brought in person by the authorized representative of the interested bidders on 11-03-2014 at 11:00 am positively in the Committee Room of Health Department. The bids received till the stipulated date and time shall be opened on the same day at 11.30 am in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives by the Purchase Committee. 7. The bidders are required to submit the company profiles including Technical, Engineering, Managerial capabilities, after-sales services and past experience/ performance along with their technical bids. 8. The bidders are required to quote for complete package(s). The bidders may participate individually or in association with other qualified agents to complete items of the package(s). The lead bidder shall be eligible for entering into association if he contributes more than 50% of the total value of major items of the package. 9. All bids should be submitted in tape or ring binding. Bids with loose papers shall be rejected straightaway. All documents should contain proper page marking, attached in sequence as indicated for evaluation in the bidding document and signatures of authorized person. Moreover, signing and stamping of each page of bidding document/ form is mandatory otherwise bid shall be rejected straightaway. 10. In case the date of opening or last date of sale is declared as a public holiday by the government or non-working day due to any reason, the next official working day shall be deemed to be the date of sale and submission and opening of tenders accordingly. The time and venue shall remain the same. 11. Pre-bid conference shall be held on 26-02-2014 at 11.30 am in the Committee Room of Health Department, Lahore. All interested bidders are requested to submit their reservations, if any, in writing by 24-02-2014 till 03:00 pm. 12. The Procuring Agency, however, reserves the rights to accept or reject any or all bids with or without assigning any reason.

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