Liquid Petroleum Gas Lpg Karak Tender Notice

Liquid Petroleum Gas Lpg Karak Tender Notice
1. A private limited company (Company) invites sealed bids from interested companies holding a valid LPG Marketing License from the Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority ("OGRA") ("Bidders") for the purchase /uplift of offered quantities of its share of LPG produced from the TAL Block, District Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the invitation to bid documents ("ITB Document"). 2. The total quantity of LPG available with the Company and for which bids are invited is forty-five (45) metric tons daily (subject to reservoir behavior). This quantity is offered in nine (9) separate lots each of five (5) metric tons for a period of five (5) years commencing from the execution of the sale & purchase agreement at a price determined by the Company from time to time in accordance with terms and conditions of the sale & purchase agreement and the applicable law. 3. Each Bidder shall submit a bid in respect of a maximum of one (1) lot. Bidders shall submit separate sealed technical and financial bids in accordance with the ITB Document. The Company will evaluate technical and financial bids in accordance with the criteria set out in the ITB Document. Financial bids of only technically qualified Bidders will be opened and evaluated based on signature bonus. 4. Technically qualified Bidder offering the highest signature bonus in accordance with the ITB Document will be declared successful and offered the opportunity to enter into a sale & purchase agreement with the Company for one (1) lot of the available LPG. The remaining bidders in descending order of signature bonus offered by them will have the option to match the highest Bidder's signature bonus so that the available lots of LPG are taken up. Any lot of LPG remaining available with the Company after the aforementioned process shall be offered to Bidders in descending order of their signature bonus on matching the highest signature bonus in accordance with the ITB Document. 5. The Company reserves the right to postpone, cancel or annul the bidding process at any stage without assigning any reason or incurring any liability whatsoever. 6. Complete set of ITB Document can be requested from The Company through email 7. Bidders must submit bids not later than 11.00 A.M., March 14, 2014 at the address mention in the ITB Documents. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders or their authorized representatives on the same date at 1200 P.M.

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