Highways Division Kamber Shahdadkot Tender for Notice

Highways Division Kamber Shahdadkot Tender for Notice
Sea ed tenders are invited from all the interested persons / suppliers / contractors / companies for procurement of the following works as per SPPRA Rules 2010.
S. ADP # # Name of Schemes Tender Cost Earnest Money Tender Fee lime Allowed 1. 68 Construction of road from Choudero Deera road to village Lair Machhi mile 0/0,0/4. 2.996 0.060 3,000 12 Months 2. 80 Rehabilitation/Construction of road from Thariri Hashim road to Village Muhammad Nawaz 3. 99 Mugheri road Vc Masonry Structure. Rehabilitation of road from Bakhar Mehassar to Allandad Jalbani mile 0/0-1/2 i/c 1.240 0.025 1500 12 Months 4. 113 Masonry Structure. Construction of ink road from Lundi Minor to village Ghulam Mustafa Jarwar, 4.620 0.092 3,000 12 Months mile 0/0-1/2 (Revised). 7.282 0.146 3,000 12 Months 5. 134 Construction of road Shandadkot Bago Daro link with Dilwish Mugheri to Khalifo Buriro road via Bago Daro Muqam (Remaining Portion) mile 0/0-1/2. 5.531 0.111 3,000 12 Months 6. 151 Constriction of link road from Miro Khan Purano Tharo road toot Hassan Mastoi village mile 0/0-0/5. 2.460 0.049 3,000 12 Months 7. 153 Construction of link road from Miran Machi road to Claim Khan Hasrani with Sim Shakh 8. 163 at Meenhal Shakh U/C Khabar mile 0/0-0/5. Construction stink road village Mola Dino Khoso mile 0/0-0/5 (1.0 KM). 3.717 3.585 0.074 0.072 3,000 3,000 12 Months 12 Months 9. 188 10. 189 Construction of road from Sijawal Miro Khan to Muhammad Hassan Magsi mile 0/0-0/5. Construction of link road from Shandadkot Kamber road to village Abdul Oadir 3.494 0.070 3,000 12 Months Khoso mile 0/0-0/5. 4.538 0.091 3,000 12 Months 11. 190 12. 218 Construction of road from Roshan Khan Khoso Kamber Shandadkot road mile 0/0-0/5. Construction of 201Rft Bridge over Thariri Soonharo Shakh. 3.604 1.278 0.072 0.026 3,000 1,500 12 Months 12 Months 13. 219 Construction of 30iRft Bridge over Koor Dato near Kandi village. 1.500 0.030 1,500 12 Months 14. 239 15. Construction of Bridge on Shato Wah near Madarse Village Gulab Lashari. Construction stink road from Warah Junani Hamal to village Al Buriro, mile 0/0-0/7. 1.155 5.569 0.023 0.111 1,500 3,000 12 Months 12 Months 16. 277 Construction stink road from Miro Khan road to Nau Tharo Shah-Jo-Loaw to Faiz Muhammad Brohi mile 0/0-0/3. 2.708 0.054 3,000 12 Months 17. 278 18. 301 Construction of 30.0irft Bridge at road Nau Tharo via Bub Behram road. Construction stink road from Motorway to Jandha village via Sc Saifullah Khoso 2.708 0.054 3,000 12 Months 19. 308 Shahmir Lashari mile 0/0-1/7. Construction of link road from Kamber Shandadkot road to village Shah Muhammad 13.003 0.260 3,000 12 Months 20. 309 Seelra Ali Nawaz Seelra mile 0/0-0/5. Construction of road from Shandadkot Club° Saeed Khan to village Mustafabad with 3.005 0.060 3,000 12 Months Tanwari Shakh via Khadim Hussain Langah via Shah Muhammad Seelro via Deepar village via Allah Dino Magsi mile 0/0-1/7. 15.000 0.300 3,000 12 Months 21. 336 22. 337 Construction of link road from Bhand Chowk road to village Minch Khan Korai mile 0/0-0/5. Construction stink road from Larkana Miro Khan to village Thoof Chousool mile 0/0-0/2+330'. 3.191 2.876 0.064 0.058 3,000 3,000 12 Months 12 Months 23. 338 Construction stink road from Motorway Rats Dero Shandadkot road to village 24. 398 Nyder Chandio mile 0/0-1/2. Construction of link road from Kamber Dost Al road to village Roshan Al Khoso mile 0/0-0/5. 9.184 4.173 0.184 0.083 3,000 3,000 12 Months 12 Months 25. 404 26. 429 Construction stink road from Rashid Waggan road to village Pin Bux Tunio mile 0/0-0/6. Construction stink road from Warah Khandoo road to village Badaruddin Abro mile 0/0-0/5. 2.206 4.991 0.044 0.100 3,000 3,000 12 Months 12 Months 27. 430 Construction of link road from Gaji Khuhawar Dhani Bux Odhano road Town portion 28. 431 Gap Khuhawar mile 0/0-0/1+490i. Construction stink road from Badeh Dent road to village Raban Khan Gadhi mile 1/2-1/7. 1.500 2.000 0.030 0.040 1,500 3,000 12 Months 12 Months 29. Construction stink road from Lohi Pull road to village Sardar Ahmed Yar Kariro mile 0/0-0/4. 5.000 0.100 3,000 12 Months 30. 450 Construction of mettaled road from fora Lakha Bridge to villagers village Gopang on the 31. 453 top of Nasir Branch via Sahel Mughari village mile 0/0-0/5. Raising of road from Rato Dero Thoof Chousol road to village Mirrani Chandio to Jalal 3.900 0.078 3,000 12 Months Ahmed Langah Bungalow mile 0/0-0/1+396. 1.800 0.036 3,000 12 Months 32. 455 From Kamber Shandadkot road to village Muhammad Bux Khoso Vc Ameer Mengal mile 0/0-0/2. 2.000 0.040 3,000 12 Months 33. 102 34. 153 Construction of 8ift Span Culvert at Bhangar Shakh near Muhammad At Pahore Taluka Kamber. Construction stink road from Miran Machi road to Oaim Khan Hasrani with Sim Shakh 0.500 0.010 750 12 Months 35. 86 at Meenhal Shakh U/C Khabar mile 0/5-0/6+330f. Rehabilitation of road from Nasiabad Jakhar road to Shahnawaz Budhani mile Vc 2.000 0.040 3,000 12 Months R/W remaining work. 2.00 0.040 3,000 12 Months,
Bidding Documents will be issued from date of publication in the newspapers/on website on payment of tender fee (Non-refundable) on any working day up to 17-03-2014. 2. Sealed Tenders will be received on 18-03-2014 up to 12:00 p.m. and will be opened on same date at 1:00 p.m. in the presence of intending contractors or their authorized representatives. 3. Un-responded/rejected tender will bare-issued up to 28-03-2014 which will be received back on 27-03-2014 up to 2:00 p.m. and will be opened on same date at 3:00 p.rn. respectively. 4. No conditionaVtelegraphic tender will be entertained. S. No tender without call deposit or received after specified date and time will be considered. 6. Bid containing least cost method (Single stage one Envelop) should be submitted along with document viz, list of similar assignments with cost, under-take over the past (2) years, details of equipments, machineries and transport owned by him. 7. If the undersigned remains out of head quarter on date of opening of tenders, the same will be opened on the next working day at the same time as mentioned above. 8. The Procuring Agency reserves the right to reject all or any bid subject to the relevant provision of SPPRA Rules 2010. Sd/- EXECUTIVE ENGINEER HIGHWAYS DIVISION KAMBER-SHAHDADKOT

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