Information Science and Technology Department Sindh Tender Notice

Information Science and Technology Department Sindh Tender Notice
Establishment of Video Conferencing System in Sindh (Phase-II) TENDER NOTICE Information, Science & Technology Department (IS&TD), Government of Sindh is planning to establish and implement AudioNid. conferencing facility at all Secretary Offices for Government of Sindh by which the high-up of Government of Sindh can communication with each other ,vithout leaving their premises. It will also create electronic face to face interaction not only between Governor, CM, CS and Deputy Commissioners, but the Secretaries for Government of Sindh may also utilize the facilities by expanding the existing Video Conferencing System Facility. Information, Science & Technology Department, Government of Sindh, invites Technical and Financial proposals (Separately sealed) for the above wort through single stage-two envelopes bidding process, under SPPRA rules, 2010 from all interested companies to irnplement this project on Tum-Key (complete package) basis. Detailed specifications are available in the Tender Documents/RFP, which can be purchased front the Information, Scien. & Technology Department, Govt. of Sindh.
Note: Detailed Specifications are mentioned in the Tender Documents. 1. Interested firms/companies may obtain the tender document/RFP for above tasks from the office of Section Officer (G), situated at 1st Floor, Sindh Secretariat No. 6, Karachi (021-99213827) by submitting an application on their letterhead along with demand draft/pay order amounting to Rs. 2000, (non-refundable) in favor of Section officer (G), Information, Science & Technology Department, Govemment of Sindh from 4th March, 2014 till 20th March, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. a Sealed Tenders comprising Technical and Financial proposals in separate sealed envelopea with clear marking of 'Technical Proposali and IFinancial Proposali in duplicate along with 2.5./0 earnest money of the quoted amount of the total bid in the form of Pay Order/Demand Draft should be dropped/submitted at the office of the Section Officer (G), 1st Floor, Sindh Secretariat No. 6, Karachi (021-99213827-9921.06) coat before 20th March 2014 at 1:00 p.rn. Further information/clarification may also be obtained from the same office. 3. Technical Proposals of the participating bidders .11 be opened in the same day (20th March, 2014) at 2:00 p.m. in presence of the Committee of IS&T Department, Govt. of Sindh and intending bidders or their authorized representatives. 4. Pre-bid meeting would be held on 12th March, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. the Committee Room of the Information Technology Department (as per Sr. Na. 2 above) to the presence of the Chairman/Convener Procurement Committee. Establishment of Vid. Conferencing System in Sindh (Phase-11), Information, Science & Technology Department. 5. Financial bids of only technically qualified bidders shall be opened, subsequently in accordance with rules and procedure. , All bid related technical queries be addressed to the Incharge Project Director iEstablishment of Video Conferencing System in Sindh (Phase-II) at addre. (as per Sr. No. 2 above). 7. Only bids offered on the pre.ribed tender form issued by the office of the Section Officer (G) of Information Technology Department shall be accepted. However, additional sheets may be attached, if any. 8. Conditional tender/application will not be entertained. 9. The cornpetent authority reserves the right to accept or reject tender by giving reasons thereof as per SPP. rules 2010. Sd/- SECTION OFFICER (G) INFORMATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SINDH

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