Gwadar Industrial Estates Development Authority Balochistan

Gwadar Industrial Estates Development Authority Balochistan
GWADAR INDUSTRIAL ESTATES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY p Government of Balochistan Federal Government has recently entered into an agreement with Chinese Government for maldng Gwadar an operational Port. Authority is already in process of providing infrastructure facilities at Gwadar Industrial Estate, Monza Kam at. Gwadar DEVELOPMENT WORKS Rescheduling Following Development works have been completed: of anstallments L SUB-STATION AND 4MV UNDERGROUND FEEDER has been Installed and energized. H. STREETLIGHTS. Street Lights are being installed along the roads. ill. BEST HOUSE, Rest House at strategic location is completed. 10% Discount iv. UNDERGROUNDWATERTANK, For storage of Water v. 13F.SAIINATION PLANTAND WATER SUPPLY:The work on Desalination plant having capacItv of 2 Million Gallons per day supply of water Is In full swing. vi. ROADS:  Work on major roads has been completed and other roads are being constructed. LAND LEVELLING: 50% work of land leveling has been completed and remaining is being carried out.  king on no p ro fit and no loss principle. The receipts of dues from our • It has been observed that inspite of various extensions of times, release of press advertisements/notices, relaxation in payment of installments/rescheduling of installments and despite serving final notices for payment to individual allottecs of industrial and commercial plots in Gwadar Industrial Estate, many allottees have not yet come forward for making payment towards the cost of their respective plots. • Now, all such allottees are finally advised to make the required payments by 10° Ma rc h,2014 positively, failing which the allotments of their respective plots will be cancelled without further notice in this regard. • This is the last chance for the allottees of GIEDA to start their activities by clearing the outstanding dues and avail the incentive of Rescheduling of their remaining installments and 10% discount on full payment. In view of the above, the Gwadar Industrial Estates Development Authority requests the respected allottees to avail this last chance to avoid cancellation of their allotments. MANAGING DIRECTOR, GWADAR INDUST...ESTATES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AB-92 GOVERNMENT OF BALOCHSITAN Gwadar 0 fil=Pisc'e1=eiZez T2c7.,,tt,a1,1aar;aTeel: 08454-210911 Tel: 021-.250153: 021-35.0695; Fax No: 021,92501. Web: : Email: gie_pkia,

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