Govt.College University Faisalabad Tender of Notice

Govt.College University Faisalabad Tender of Notice
.Sealed tenders based on kern/percentage rates above or below market rate System enforced since, 01.--07-2004 with (amended upto date) are invited from University enlisted Contractors registered with PEC for the year 2014. (i) Tender documents can be Obtained from the office of the undersigned on presentation of attested copies of enlistment/Upto date renewal letter and fee receipt, authority letter on letter pad of contractor/firm, Identity card of con-tractor/Managing partner of the firm, along with registered Power of Attorney, production of CDgs of 2% earnest money and prescribed tender fee. (ii) Tenders will be received in the office of the undersigned at 11:45 am and will be opened on the same day at 12:30 pm by the tender opening com-mittee in the presence of intending contractors or their representatives. Conditional tenders will not be entertainedl (iii) The lowest bidder. Whose bid will be less than 5% of the estimated cost of the work, will have to deposit the difference which will be returned on successful Completion of the contract, Failure to deposit the difference would result into forfeiture of earnest money without further notice. Undersigned shall have the right to reject any or all the tenders. Last date of Issuance of Tender 06,03-2014  Date of opening of Tender 11,03-2014  If no tender is received on the above date for any of the projects, the ,same will be issued and opened as under:-Last date of Issuance of Tender 13-03-2014 Date of opening of Tender 18-03-201.4
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Cost Completion Tender No PKR Earnest Time Fee Rs. Money
ProvisionaMprovement of Road Crossing at main boule-vard/hang Road at New Campus GC University Taisalabad. Installation of 0:5 Cusec •Tühewell along with TUbewell Chamber and Machinery for Zoology Department at New Campus GC University •Faisalabad. Providing and laying Tuff 'Paver near new Library; Ta kbeer Block and Examination Branch GC n versity Faisalabad.
7.822(M) 03 3915/- 156440/- Months
0.891(M) 17820/-
03. 1450/- Months
01 460F Months
Engr. Muhammad Alam Project Director Govt. College University Faisalabad Phone No. 041-9201570 Fax No. 041-9201569 (LH R-G) LPL- 1766

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