Admission Notice Spring 2014 - Minhaj University Lahore

Admission Notice Spring 2014 - Minhaj University Lahore
Minhaj University Lahore
Experienced and Highly Trained Faculty
Hostel Facility (Boys & Girls)
Well-equipped Lecture Halls
Vast Play Grounds
Purpose Built Buildings
Affordable Fee Packages
Economics & IzT,L88, Management Science
BS I RBA] BBS I M.Sc. BPA I MBA I M.Phil / MS Regular Morning & Evening
Weekender programs
Economics Economics & Finance Business Economics Commerce Business Administration
Islamic Economics, Economics Islamic Business & Finance Business Economics, Marketing Commerce, Islamic Banking Banking & Finance, HRM Public Administration Supply Chain Management MBA Executive 2 Years
Economics & Finance MBA Professional 3 , , 2 , 1 'A Years
4 Years
2 Years
Social Sciences 37,c;2888‘, & Humanities
BS I M.Sc I M.Phil / MS Regular, Morning & Evening
Education (B.Ed)(M.Ed) Political Science, History, Pakistan Studies
r:itberranrya t co'rn, 'Sciences Public policy, Sociology
Mass Communication
Chartered & Recognized by the NEC in W3 Ranking
MINHAJ university Lahore
discipline - innovation - excellence - charity
Admissions Spring 2014 MUL
Basic Sciences ;3=2,886 & Mathematics
BS I M.Sc MPhil / MS Rep., Morning & Evening
BS I MIT M.Phil / MS Regular Mom ne E:caira
BS I MA I M.Phil / MS Regular, Morning & Evening
English, Arabic, Urdu
Islamic Studies & Shariah"
BS I MA Regu ar Mom , Eveawg Islamic Studies, Shariah'
BA - B.Sc. 2 Years - Annual program
VVemek.penhdi, prohgri jams j
Hamdard Chowk, Town Ship, Lahore. Ph: 042-35145621-4 Evening CooMinator: 0.5-8228883 website: email: '365, M Blodt, Model Town, Lahore. 111-140-140

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