University of Agriculture Faisalabad Government Tender of Notice

University of Agriculture Faisalabad Government Tender of Notice
Executive Engineer
The University of Agriculture, .Faisalabad invites sealed tenders on the basis of market rates approved by the Competent Authorities for the fol-lowing works mentioned below from the approved contractors of this University who have paid their enlistment/renewal lee the current finan-cial year 2013-14. Tender documents can be Obtained from the office of the Executive Engineer University ofAgrictilture, Faisalabad during Office hours up to 18-02-2014 on submission of written' application supported with copy ofenlistment/renewal orders for the F/year 2013-14, receipt of payment of enlistment/renewal fee, PEC License,  Authority letter on cOntractor/firm pad; contractor/managing partner MC & registered power of attorney and CDR. The tenders will be opened by the tender opening committee on 20-02-2014 at .11.:00 AM in the presence of con-tractors/authorized representative. hi case of cancellation/postponed tender shall be received/opened subsequently on 27-02-2014 at 11:00 am for which tenders form can be obtained upto 25-02-2014. 3 The work shall be executed under the supervision of Engineer In-Charge. 4 Other usual conditions -are -:as per tender documents and Government instractions, 5 2% ;earnest money in the shape of CDR in the name of Executive Engineer, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 'should be attached for each -work. 6 The undersigned reserves the right to reject all or any tender without assigning any reason. 7 The undersigned will not issue tender forms to those firm/contractors whose performance of work did not remain satisfactory during the pre-v ions project/works. 8 Tenders Can be -seen in PPR.A Web-site Government of Punjab.
Sr. Name d Work
Amount Earnest Tender Time Money Fee Limit
Construction of Rs.43,10,000/- Rs.766200/- 19155/- 24-Acadeniie Block at Months Toba Tek Singh. University  o f Agriculture Faisalabad. Construction of .Rs.2. 18,70,000/- Rs,437400/- I0935/- 18- Student Hostel Months {Female) at Toba Tek Singh, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Construct ion of Rs.80,18,400/- Rs.160368/- 4010/- 12_ Visiting Faculty Months. Hostel at Toba Tek-Singh, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. .4 :Establishment of Rs. I ,46,00,000/- Rs.292000/- 7300/- 6 Water Supply Months Scheme at Toba Tek Singh. University of Agriculture Fa is al a bad.
(SHOAIB REHMAN) Executive Engineer (ECD) 041-9200182 - 041-9200161 Ext. 2507 (LHRG) I PL-955

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