Population Welfare Department Punjab Lahore Tender for Notice

POPULATION WELFARE DEPARTMENT INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed Bids are Invited from well reputed manufacturer of hospital furniture, Importers/Sole agents of Electro-Medical Equipment's and Authorized Distributes/dealers of Instruments for the purchase & Supply on F.O.R Basis for Population Welfare Department. The Sale of tenders/ bidding documents will be started for the date of publication of the advertisement in press and PPRA website.

Population Welfare Department Punjab Lahore Tender for Notice

 medical Equipment & Instrument. for the year, 2013-14 11-02-2014 (Tuesday) 12-02-2014 (Wednesday) 11.00 AM 12-02-2014 (Wednesday) 11.15 AM 2, of the Total Bid Price
I. Tender Documents .staining terms & conditions and detailed specifications and quantity of required stores can be obtained on payment of Rs.500/- (N.-refundable being the tender Cost) from the office of Secretary, Population Welfare Department, 58- Abu Bakst Block, New Garden Town, Lahore on any working day during office hours. A copy of tender notice is also available for information on the website of Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority 2. All tenders shall be submitted to the office of the undersigned at given date & time. Any tender received after specified time will not be entertained. Tenders wifi be opened in Committee Room of the office of Secretary,  given above in presence of bidders or their authorized 3. The Secretary, Population Welfare Department reserves the right to accept or reject/cancel or scrap any or all tenders which will be final and not challenged in any court of law.Population Welfare Department, 5. Procurement shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules 2009. 6. All the stores will be suppli. io the Ware Hou. of Population Welfare Department, Punjab, Lahore. 7. Single Stage -Two envelope procedures (Technical & Financial) as per rule 36 (Is) of PPRA Rulm, 2009, two separate envelops. Each envelop will ii) Envelop shall be marked as "Financial Proposal" and "Technical Proposal" in Bold and legible letters to avoid.The financial proposal envelop will only be opened after technically approved as per PPRA Rules, ill) On rejection of Technical Proposal, the Financial Proposal will be resumed unopened. The Department will not be responsible for any opening of Financial Proposal, where it is submit. collectively for all the items, or found opened on submission or not properly sea.. The firms alr.dy under process of disciplinary action, defaulter or black listed with any government/organization will not be allowed to participate.
a) Bid / tenders (Technical and Financial bids) are required items wise .disparately b) T.E. No. against .ch drug / items must be mention. on envelop (Technic.I and Financial bids)
SECTION OFFICER (M&E/PROC) Population Welfare Department (Phone No. 042-99232440)

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