Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd Tender for Notice

KARACHI SHIPYARD & ENGG. WORKS LTD. Karachi Karachi, separately KSEW basis:-ENDER NOTICE Shipyard & Engineering Works Limited, West Wharf, invites Commercial as well as Technical Quotations for the Supply of following items on Free Delivery at 
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd Tender for Notice

DESCRIPTION QUANTITY DUE DATE BIDDING DOCUMENT COST (NON-REFUNDABLE) LP-3/0010/ SB-269 As per KSEW Indent Specification 1 Cheer Wood Size: 223 x 338 x 4150 mm long 74 Nos. 04.02.14 Rs. 1 .000/- 2. Cheer Wood Size: 248 x 338 x 4150 mm long 20 Nos. 3. Burma Teak Wood Size 2281 78 x 4100 mm long 92 Nos. LP-1100121 RM-6078 As per KSEW Indent Specification 1. M.S Plate Size:12mm thick x 1220 x 6000 21 Nos. (14480 Kgs) 04.02.14 Rs. 1.000/- 2. M$ Plate Size:15mm thick x 1220 x 6000 25 Nos. (21550 Kgs) 3. MS Chequered Plate Size 5/7 x 1220 x 2440 34 Nos. (4767 Kgs) LP-vootai RM-6078 As per KSEW Indent Specification 1 M.S Plate Size: 4mm thick x 1220 x 6000 06 Nos. (1380 Kgs) 04.02.14 Rs. 1.000;-2. M.S Plate Size: 6mm thick x 1220 x 6000 25 Nos. (8625 Kgs) 3. MS Plate Size: 8mm thick x 1220 x 6000 17 Nos. (7820 Kgs) 4. MS Plate Size:10mm thick x 1220 x 6000 15 Nos. (8625 Kgs) Tender is The Suppliers required documents soon after advertisement tender fee. and will be the bidder's Commercial at later stage. Note:- also available at PPRA website: / Firms are informed that two @Technical Offer (II) Commercial Offer. can be obtained from Central Purchase uploading on PPRA Website and in Press during working days Tenders will be received upto 10.00 opened at 11.00 am on the same representatives who may wish Offers of technically qualified bidders of Foreign Purchase, if tender Agent, the Original Proforma Invoice must also be attached / Literature. Quotation without will be rejected. the right to accept or reject GENERAL MANAGER SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING + 92-21-9921 4045-64 + 92-21-9921 4020, 9921 4030 www.ppra.org.pk stage tenders are The set of bidding Department publication of this on payment of am on due date day in presence of to be present. will be opened is submitted by a of the Foreign along with relevant Proforma Invoice any tender. (PUR/STS) WORKS LTD. PID (K) No. 1639 • In case Local Supplier Pamphlets of Principal KSEW reserves DEPUTY KARACHI TEL: FAX:

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