Cantonment Board Malir Cantt Public Auction Notice

CANTONMENT BOARD MALIR PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE  mom tea Cantonment Board Malir Cantt informs the public hereby that the board wishes to auction the tenancy rights of its newly constructed 10x Shops measuring 120 sft each, 01x Hall measuring 1121 sft situated at X-20, Male Cantt and 02x Flats measuring 1309 sft each (at 2nd floor) situated at Mehran Commercial Plaza, Bazar Area, Malir Cantt, 

Cantonment Board Malir Cantt Public Auction Notice
Karachi for Commercial ascot premiurn basis and monthly rent on 03-02-2014 at 1200 hours at its office. All the Interested parties / individuals may participate in the auction. Location and other details are as follow: 1. Bidders have to submit a pay Order of Rs.2,00,000/- for each Shop & Hall and Rs. 3,00,000/- for each Flat in favour of Cantonment ders of the unsuccessful bidders will be refunded to them once the auction. 2. Potyce successful bidders will be refunded to them 3. CNIC and submit the copy of 4. Successful bidders must submit an amount equivalent to 25% of the bid value at the end of the auction/fall of hammer on same day otherwise their deposit amount will be forfeited. 6. Successful bidder has to pay income Tax etc as per government's stipulated rate. 7. Successful bidder must submit advance rent before 5th of every month. 8. The tenure of tenancy will be 05 years initially, which will be renewable for 03 years after completion of tenure of tenancy with i increase of 10% n rent per annum or as Board may fix . 9. of electricity and telephone facilities 10.Tenants will be responsible to clear the utility bills, taxes etc. 11 .Successful bidder must submit a "Tenancy Agreement" on stamp paper of Rs. 100/- within 15 days from the date of approval of bid. 12.Cantonment Board/Cantonment Executive Officer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid without assigning any reason thereof. 13.For any reason if the auction could not be held on the above said l date or the auction could not be succeeded, the same will be held again on 04-02-2014. Other terms and conditions of the Tenancy Agreement can be obtained from the office of the board and the above-mentioned flats can also be inspected on any working day during office hours. Cantonment Executive Officer Mali r Cantonment Tel.No.021-99247077, F. No.021-99247066

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