Inspector General Of Prisons Sindh Tender Notice

Inspector General Of Prisons Sindh Tender Notice

Telephone # 021-99231418, Fax: 021-99231084 Email:
NO. SB-1/516
DATED: 10.01.2014
Sealed bids of blankets invited on 06.112013 have been rejected and the same are re-invited again according to SPPRA Rule 2010-46(2) from the Authorized Persons / Contractors / Firms and General Order Suppliers registered with Sindh Revenue Board. Income and Sales Tax Department for supply of Blankets during the year 2013-14. 1. Bid documents containing details i.e. bid security, performance security, terms & conditions, quantity and specifications etc. can be obtained from the office of the Inspector General of Prisons Sindh Karachi by submitting application on the letterhead of the firm along with attested copies of Computerized National Identity Card, Income, Sales Tax, registration with Sindh Revenue Board and latest Professional Tax paid Certificate by 03.022014. Tender fee is Rs. 1000/- in cash (non-refundable). 2. Bid documents shall be collected on 04.02.2014 by 01:30 pm at the Office of the Inspector General of Prisons Sindh Camp Office at Central Prison Karachi and technical proposal of the same will be opened on the same day at 02:00 pm by the Procurement Committee, in presence of bidders if they intend to be present. In case, any public holiday falls due to any reason on the opening day of bids, then it will be submitted and opened on the next working day, at the given time and venue. 3. Any further information, if needed, may be obtained from the Office of Inspector General of Prisons Sindh Camp Office at Central Prison Karachi on any working day during Office hours or on Phone No. 021-99231418, 99231084 and Fax No. 021-99231418. 4. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposal(s) under the relevant SPPRA Rules 2010. INSPECTOR GENERAL OF PRISONS SINDH CAMP OFFICE AT CENTRAL PRISON KARACHI
1NF-KRY No. 115/14

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