A public sector organization invites sealed tenders from reputed Stockists / Suppliers / Stationers and General Order Suppliers (only Sales Tax Registered) on F.O.R. basis.
Sr. Tender Opening No. Case No. Notice Subject Tender Fee Date & No. Time 01. Admin-4 03/2013- Oil Spray Rs. 5001- 07-01-2014 (083)/13-14 2014 Coopex (Non-refundable) at 14:30 hrs.
Tender documents can be obtained from the office of Finance Division. KANUPP on payment of Rs.500/- only in shape of Pay Order Bank Draft as tender fee (Non-refundable). Quotations / Offers on prescribed tender proforma duly filled in stamped, signed and covered by letter head of the firms should be posted on the following address or dropped in tender box placed at the Library. Central Block. Phase-I. KANUPP Colony. Hawksbay Road. Karachi on or before the opening date. Tenders / Offers of the firms must accompanied the Pay order / Bank Draft (refundable) for the value equivalent to 2% of the total cost as earnest money in the name of Sr. Accounts Officer (D&D). KANUPP. Tenders without earnest money shall be rejected. Tenders will be opened on the date mentioned above at 14-30 hours before the representative of the firms, who desire to attend the proceedings. Bidders are requested to bring their National Identity Card to enable them to enter the premises of the office. Bidders may please specify the Case No. on the face of envelope. The Competent Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations at any time. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER P.O. BOX NO. 31835 KARACHI Phone: 99202222 - 99202230 Extt: 2584 - 2583 RD (K) # 1435/13
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