Peshawar Development Authority
Sealed tenders on percentage above / below up to two decimal digit (0.00) on Engineer's Cost Estimate , are hereby invited for the following works from the contractors/ Firms registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) & Peshawar Development Authority (PDA)valid for year 2013-14) in respective relevant categories as per schedule below:-
s. No Narne of work 2 Estimated Cost 3 Earnest Money ', Date of application 5 Date and Time of Time Limit 8 Issuancerof te nde"o ms 6 Tender Receipt & °P 1 . f bid 7 . Rehabilitation of North Nullah in Hayatabad 25.593 2% 06.01.2014 07.01.2014 07.01.2014 at As Per Peshawar. Million of bid During office hour's (11:00 AM) (11:15 AM) W.rk Order 2 Drilling of I-No bore hole & conversion in to Tube well i/c Construction of Chamber, 7.10 2% 06.01.2014 07.01.2014 07.01.2014 at As Per Rising man and Resistivity Survey at Sector N-3 Phase-IV Hayatabad. Million of bid During office hour's (11:00 AM) (11:15 AM) Work Order 3 Drilling of I-No bore hole & conversion in to As Per Tube well i/c Construction of Chamber, Rising man and Resistivity Survey at Sector P-2 Phase-IV Hayatabad. 7.10 Million 2% of bid 06.01.2014 During office hour's 07.01.2014 (11:00 AM) 07.01.2014 at (11:15 AM) Work Order 4 Drilling of I-No bore hole & conversion in to Tube well i/c Construction of Chamber, 6.13 2% 06.01.2014 07.01.2014 07.01.2014 at As Per Rising man and Resistivity Survey at Sector F-4 Phase-VI Hayatabad. Million of bid During office hour's (11:00 AM) (11:15 AM) owr°drekr
Terms & Conditions:
(1). 2% Earnest money must accompany with the application for issuance of tender forms in the shape of "Call Deposit" (Only from the Bank of Khyber Hayatabad Branch) in the name of Director General, FDA. Furthermore, attested copies of the requisite documents like income tax Certificate etc most be attached with the application. Original most be produced for confirmation. (2).The Contractor who quoted their rate 10% or more below on the estimated cost will have to deposit an additional earnest money amounting to 10% of the estimated cost with the department within 3-days after the opening, failing which the bid will be cancelled and the already deposited 2% earnest money with the application will be forfeited. (3). Any disfiguring/over writing, manipulation in the tender documents shall be rejected & the tender form will be issued only to the contractor himself or the authorized representatives ( having authority letter). (4). All those tender/bids will be rejected wherein the quoted rates are more than two decimal digits (0.00). (5). All Federal and Provincial duties/taxes including sales tax will be recoverable as per directives of Government issued from time to time.(6). Incomplete/conditional or telegraphic tenders shall not be accepted. (7). Rates in BOQmust be written both in figures and words. The Contractor will sign all the pages of BOQ. In case of Non-compliance, tender shall not be entertained for competition. (8). No premium will be allowed on Non-schedule items of the BOQ. (9). In case if some schedule items were not reflected in the BOQ and later on required at site, then the contractor would be bound to carry out these items on approved bid. (10). The Contractor/firms Will be bound to ensure full time presence of their Engineer as per PEC rule on site for all the technical discussions exclusively for the work awarded to them. (11). The contractors interest in Drilling works must be approved/enlisted for Drilling of bore hole in PDA and also be pre-qualified by PHE Department Gout: of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. (12). Registration of Rig Machine must attached with the application for the work at Sr: No. 2,3 & 4 (Photo copy must be attected and original will be produced for confirmation). (13).. Only those contractors will be eligible for the work at Sr: No.1 who have completed at least one Civil work amounting to Rs. 25.00 Million during last 3 years for which application is submitted (work order & completion certificate must be attached with the application). (14). Work orders will be issued after Administrative approval. (15). The Competent Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. (16). Other terms & conditions can be seen in the office of undersigned during office hours. If tendersare not matured on the above fixed dates duetoany reason, then the same will be again held as per the following schedule.
Date of Application
Date and Time of
Issuance of Tender Forms
Tender receipt & Opening of bids
For 2nd time tendering
13.01.2014 During office hours
14.01.2014 upto 11:00 AM
14.01.2014 at 11:15 AM
For 3rd time
20.01.2014 During office hours
21.01.2014 upto 11:00 AM
21.01.2014 at 11:15 AM
DEPUTY DIRECTOR W&S PDA (Site Office) Sector D-5, Phase-I, Hayatabad
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