Ayub Teaching Hospital (ATH) is a tertiary care 1000-B4 Hospital and providing Specialized Health delivery servic4 the millions of populations of Hazara Division and adjcent ar The Pharmacy of ATH is being running at central place in building on monthly rent basis. Sealed postal tenders are invited for running of Pharmacy during the period from January 2014 to June 2015 from the reputed financial sound parties having enough experience in relevant field and registered with the Income Tax and Sale Department on the following terms and conditions. 1 The Tender Documents can be obtained from the Acco Branch of ATH after deposit of Rs.2000/- in relevant re4 account (Non-refundable) upto 01-01-2014 during won] hours. 2 The firm concerned should submit the following docui with the tender: (a).B. Pharmacy License (b) Last Five Bank Statement showing financial position and status. Copy of CNIC (d) National Tax Number (e) Proof of inc tax and sale tax registration (f) NOC / Clearance of inc4 tax stating NTN and GST Number. 3 The successful bidder shall give 5% discount to the pat on retail price on medicines and other material. 4 The offer shall be accepted on highest monthly rent basb 5 The conditional tender will not be accepted. 6 The tender having over writing plus cutting shall rejected. 7 The tender shall be accompanied a call deposit of R million from the nearest schedule bank of Paki (Abbottabad Branch) as earnet money. 8 Without call deposit tender will not be entertained. 9 Sealed tender duly completed in all respect must read the undersigned on or before 02-01-2014 uptill 10:00 and shall be open at 11:00 AM in the presence of the bic or their authorized agents who care to be present. 10 The undersigned reserved the right to accept or reject or all the tenders without assigning any reason.
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