Uthal District Lasbela Balochistan Tender Notice

Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Uthal, District Lasbela, Balochistan PROJECT DIRECTOR CROP & PLANTS SCIENCES

Sealed tenders are hereby invited for the given below work under Project Titled "Strengthening of Labs & Faculty of Crop & Plant Sciences" at LUAWMS Uthal from eligible registered G.S.T and Income Tax firms/manufacturer who posses complete experience in the relevant field with sound financial position.

Detail of supply is mentioned in Tender documents:
Name of Work Estimated Cost as Per PC-1 Rs in Million Tender Fee (Non-refundable) 1. Procurement of Furniture & Fixtures for Student Hostels 04.134 Million Rs. 5,000/-

General Terms and Conditions:
1. The Tender documents can be purchased on submission of written application to the undersigned from the date of publication upon payment of Tender Fee. Tender documents can be obtained up to 6th January. 2015 during office hours.

2. Interested firms with relevant experience should apply to the undersigned and the tender will only be issued to the owner of firm or having the authority from owner/CNIC/Income tax/Sale tax certificate and proof of not black listed.

3. The complete tender documents will be submitted back to Project Director by 7th January, 2015 at 12:00 pm and Technical proposal will be opened at 12:30 pm on the same date/day in front of LUAWMS committee as well as bidders on the basis of single package of their bid containing two envelops one for Technical and other for Financial proposals separately and each envelop must clearly be marked as Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal in bold letters to avoid confusion Rates quoted must include all taxes.

4. Financial documents of the technically qualified firm will also be opened on the same day/date.

5. Financial bids must be accompanied by an earnest money amount of 5% of bid cost in the shape of Call Deposit from a scheduled Bank of Pakistan in favour of Project Director LUAWMS Uthal and tender found without 5% Earnest money will be rejected forthwith.

6. The bids must be quoted on tender form only, otherwise will be rejected.

7. Final award will be subject to provision/ approval of samples.

8. The tenderer who withdraws (at tender opening occasion) or modifies his tender after submission, his earnest money will be for forfeited. No conditional tender will be entertained under any circumstances.

9. After final award, successful contractor (s) will be liable to complete the work/supply within stipulated period as per specification given in tender documents. In case of cancelation of supply order due to default of the firm, the earnest money shall be forfeited in favor of LUAWMS. Uthal. 10. LUAWN1S reserves the right to ACCEPT or REJECT any or all tenders/Bids at any stage without assigning any reason (s) thereof. Any
procedure will riot be challenged in any court of Law.
Project Director: LUAWMS, Uthal 
Ph: 0853-610907

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