Tender Notice Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Islamabad

Tender Notice Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Islamabad
Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & HRD
Tender for Procurement of Furniture / Fixture
Sealed Quotations on prescribed form are invited from income Tax/GST registered firms/ suppliers for purchase of furniture/ fixture for OPF educational institutions on all Pakistan basis. Tender documents along with terms & conditions/ specifications can be obtained from the Administration Wing OPF Head Office, Islamabad against Rs. 500/- (non-refundable). Interested Parties/firms can send their sealed quotations along with 2% earnest money of bid price and samples of furniture / fixtures to the undersigned by 24th February 2014. Tender / bid will be opened at 12:00 Hrs on the same day in the presence of the bidders. Incomplete/conditional quotation shall not be entertained. Taxes will be deducted according to Government rules. All terms & conditions must be complied with clearly. OPF reserves the right to reject all or any bid / proposal at any stage, as provided in PPRA rules.
Director General (HR & A), Administration OPF Head Office, Islamabad Ph: 051-9048215
PID (i) 312813

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