Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority Tender of Notice

Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority Tender of Notice
GOVERNMENT OF S1NDH Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority for Procurement of Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study for Brick Lining of Twin and Old Jamrao Canal
Government of Sindh through Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority is implementing Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project (WSIP) and Annual Development Programme (ADP) for development & improvement of Irrigation Canal System. Scope of the Feasibility Study The Consultants would be required to conduct feasibility study and detailed survey, design work including preparation of PC-1 will be arrived out in purview to enhance the water carrying capability and efficiency of canals in such manner to get the maximum benefit from the project by assuring ensured water supply to the end users. Thel outcome of study and survey will be used in preparation of comprehensive PC-1 for Brick Lining of Jamrao Canal Twin and Old Jamrao Canal. The Project will be implemented by through Managing Director Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority (SIDA), through Director Nara Canal Area Water Board, Mirpurkhas. The Director Nara Canal Area Water Board now invites interested consultants to indicate their willingness in providing the services. The consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions availability of appropriated skills among staff; etc). Consultants may associate to enhance their capabilities. The joint-ventures should be restricted to a maximum of 3 consulting firms and only the shortlisted firms will subsequently be invited to submit Technical and Financial Proposals on the prescribed "Request for Proposal (RFP)". To prepare a shortlist, the Expressions of Interest would be reviewed on the basis of the following criteria and the shortlisted firms will be invited to submit proposals.
• Registration of the firm with relevant tax authorities and Pakistan Engineering Council in consult No. and discipline is mandatory. • Availability of appropriate skills among staff (including Team Leader, Hydraulic Structure Design Engineer, Pre-Cast Bridge Design Engineer, Procurement Specialist, Irrigation Engineer, Geo Technical Engineer, GIS Specialist, EIA Specialist, Agronomist) • Specific experience of the consultant relevant to the assignment. • Experience in similar tasks. Special Instructions:  • The interested firm(s) must provide focused in formation demonstrating that they are qualified to perform the services. • The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the Eols, or annul the Eol process at any stage whether and without incurring any liability to the affected applicant(s). Evaluation Criteria  Firms will be selected under Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedures in accordance with SPPR Rules 2010. The weightage of the technical & financial proposal has been adopted as 90% & 10%, respectively. The interested consultants may obtain further information from background documents at the address given below during official working hours. Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the addressed below on or before 24th February 2014, 1700 hrs. Director Nara Canal Area Water Board Mirpurkhas Email: directornaracanalawb© Telephone: + 92 233 9290157 Fax: + 92 233 9290130
INF-KRY No. 316/14

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