Provincial Highway Division Mirpurkhas Tender of Notice

Provincial Highway Division Mirpurkhas Tender of Notice
Ph: (0233-9290043)
No. TC/G-55/220 of 2014. Mirpurkhas, dated:- 18/02/2014 NOTICE INVITING TENDERS  Sealed tenders are invited from tHe interested persons / suppliers / contractors / firms for procurement / execution of the following works in the light of SPPRA RULES-2010.
Name of Works
W/R of Umerkot Kunri Road, Mile 17/0-19/0.
Estimated Cost
Earnest Money
Tender Fee
Time allowed
12 Months
All the contractors / intending participant firms can purchase separate set of tenders on payment of tender fee for each work from the date of publication of NIT in newspapers / SPPRA website upto 10/03/2014 @ 12:00 noon. The same will be received back on 10/03/2014 upto 01:00 PM and the same will be opened on the same day @ 01:00 PM in presence of the contractors and the Committee. 2 Eligibility conditions for intending participants are as under: i Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant field of specialization of work and to the extent of tender amount of each work. ii Bio-data of engineers and technical staff working with the firm. iii Documentary evidence of works executed / works in progress and certificate of satisfactory completion of works by the employers. iv List of works in progress indicating cost of each work and copy of letter of award of work. v List of machinery and equipment available with documentary evidence of its ownership certificate of Bank showing creditworthiness along with Bank statement. vi All the contractors / firms having produced Pakistan Engineering Council Certificate for the current year may be allowed to participate in the tenders after submitting Solvency Certificate and other required documents as per PPRA Rules. 3 Registration with Income Tax Department (NTN Certificates) and copy of N.I.0
4 Undertaking on affidavit that the firm is not involved in any litigation or abandoned any work in the Department. 5 The bidders should submit Earnest Money as shown against each work in shape of Call Deposit prepared from the scheduled bank in favour of the undersigned. 6 Affidavit to the effect that the firm /contractor has not been blacklisted previously by any executing agency. 7 Affidavit to the effect that all documents / particulars / information furnished are true and correct. 8 In case of firm, list of partners / partnership deed, giving full particulars of directors / proprietors or others connected along with Power of Attorney. In case of being sole proprietor, such undertaking on affidavit be furnished. 9 In case of works costing below Rs. 2.500 (M). the conditions at S. No. 2 will not be applicable. Terms and Conditions of the Tenders: (i) No conditional tenders will be entertained. (ii) No tenders without call deposit will be considered. (iii) The Procuring Agency may reject any or all bids subject to the relevant provisions of PPRA Rules. (iv) If the tenders are un-responded, the same will be issued and opened in the presence of the undersigned and the Committee on the following dates & time. (v) In case any member of Procurement Committee happens to be out of headquarters, the bids will be received back and opened on the next day.
Sale of Blank Tenders
27-03-2014 @ 12:00 Noon
INF-KRY: 502/14
Opening of the Tenders
27-03-2014 g 1:00 PM

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