Karachi Water & Sewerage Board Kwsb Karachi Tender of Notice

Karachi Water & Sewerage Board Kwsb Karachi Tender of Notice
Block-D, 9th Mile Karsaz, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi
NOTICE INVITING TENDER  1. The Karachi Water & Sewerage Board has received funds from the Federal / Provincial Government towards cost of Greater Karachi Sewerage Plan (S-III Project) and it is intended that part of the proceeds of the funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contracts for the components of S-III Project. The Project Director, Greater Karachi Sewerage Plan (S-IIII), Karachi Water & Sewerage Board invites was sealed tenders under Single Stage Two Envelope bidding procedures on Local Competitive Bidding basis from competent contractors, joint ventures or consortium for the following works. • Contract Package LS-2: "Construction of New RCC Conduit/Interceptors and other Allied Works along Lyon River from Saba Cinema to Metrovill." • Contract Package LS-3: "Construction of New RCC Conduit / Interceptors and other Allied Works along Lyari River from Metrovill to Gulshan Yaseenabad". • Contract Package LS-4, "Construction of New RCC Conduit/Interceptors and other Allied Works along Lyari River from Gulshan Yaseenabad to Teenhatti Bridge." • Contract Package LS-5, "Construction of New RCC Conduit/Interceptors and other Allied Works along Lyon i River from Teenhatti Bridge to Garden". 2. The works under these components involves Construction of RCC Conduit Sewer/ Manholes / Pre-Treatment Structure. The Contractor will carry out all the works as per tender designs and drawings and will also be responsible for its maintenance during Defect Liability Period. 3. The Bidding is open to: • Pakistani contractors registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in C-1 and above category along with specialization in CE-09 & CE-10. Joint Venture / Consortium of Pakistani contractors with Lead firm registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in C-1 and above Category, each firm in the Joint Venture having registration in C-12 or above category and the Joint Venture jointly meeting requirement of registration with specialization CE-09 & CE-10. Joint Venture / Consortium of International and Pakistani Contractor(s) with at least one Pakistan Joint Venture partner registered with Pakistan Engineering Council in C-1 or above category. 4. Bidders may obtain information by acquiring the bidding, Documents (BD( from Monday the 3rd March, 2014 up to 16:00 hours Tuesday 25th March 2014, from the Office of the Project Director (S-III Project), Karachi Water & Sewerage Board, 1st Floor, Block-D, 9th Mile, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. S. A complete set of Bidding Document for each contract package may be purchased by submitting a letter of request for documents on business letterhead from the following office of KW&SB upon payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 5,0001- per set in shape of pay order in favor of Karachi Water & Sewerage Board. All the pre-qualified bidders of Group-A Works under S-III Project shall be provided the documents free of cost on production of the original documents of above referred works provided earlier. PROJECT DIRECTOR, PROJECT Karachi Water & Sewerage Board at Floor, Block-D, 9th Mile Office, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi Tel +92 21 99240828, Facsimile +92-21-99240873 6. All Bids (Technical) must be accompanied by a bid security equivalent to 2% of Bid Value for each contract package in the shape of call on deposit, pay order, demand draft or bank guarantee issued by a Schedule Bank in Pakistan, in favor of Karachi Water & Sewerage Board. 7. Bids must be delivered in the office of Project Director, 5-Ill Project, KW&SB at 1st Floor, Block-D, 9th Mile Office, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, before 14:00 hours, on Wednesday the 26th March 2014 and Technical Bids will be opened on the same day at 14:30 hours by the high powered bid opening committee appointed by KW&SB in the presence of bidderfs representatives who choose to attend the opening of Bids. If due to unavoidable circumstances, the bid submission is not possible on the scheduled date, the submission and opening of bids will be carded out on the ned working day on the schedule time and venue. 8. Pre Bid meeting shall be held at 1500 hrs. on Thursday the 13th March 2014 at Committee Room of PD (S-III Project) Secretariat, Block-D, 9th Mile Office, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. 9. The acceptance of bids shall rest with the Competent Authority of KW&SB, Project Director (S-III Project), who reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, aspen SPPRA Rules. 10. Late Bids will be rejected; Biddersf shall not enclose testimonials, certificates and publicity material other than those requested in the bidding documents with their bids. Such information will not be taken into account in the evaluation of Bid. 11. Date of Opening of Financial Bids shall be notified accordingly after technical evaluation of the bidders. 12. The notice inviting tender will also be posted on Sindh Public Procurement Authority (SPPRA) websites (http://www.pprasindh.gov.pk) O Sd/- 7_ PROJECT DIRECTOR (S-III PROJECT) Karachi Water & Sewerage Board lot Floor, Block-D, 9th Mile Office, ,T) Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +92-21-99240828 Facsimile: +92-21-99242873

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