District Officer Roads Nankana Sahib Pakistan Tender Notice

District Officer Roads Nankana Sahib Pakistan Tender Notice
Sealed tenders based on item rate are hereby invited, for the work mentioned below, from the contractors/firms enlisted with District Government & C&W Department for the year 2013-14. Tender documents can be obtained from the Head Clerk of the district Officer (Roads) Nankana Sahib against written request accompanied with attested copies of enlistments/upto date renewal letter and fee receipt, PEC License, authority letter from contractor/firm, identity card of contractor/Managing partner of the firm along with registered power of authority and on payment of prescribed tender fee. Tender rates and amount should be filled in figure as well as in words and tenders should be signed as per general directions given in the tender documents. No rebate on tender rates will be acceptable. The tenders will be issued. upto •.10,03-2014 and will be received on 12-03-2014 at 1.00 P.M. in the office of the undersigned and will be opened' immediately thereafter by the District Tender Board in the presence of intending contractors or their representatives. Conditional tenders and tenders not accompanied with earnest money in shape of deposit at call receipt from a schedule bank and attested copies of registered partnership deed and power of attorney in case of firms will not be entertained. Undersigned reserve the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
Sr. No Name of work TS No. St; Date . Estimated cost Earnest Money Tender fee Ti me limit 1 Providing / Fixing of Manhole cover vertical gretting on existing foot • path cum drain in Guru Bazar i/c link roads as old NADRA orrice to I-16using colony to Soneri Bank to Railway road Mangtanwala road to Berl chowk in city Nankana Sahib (Remaining Portion / New). 1556/ iVI/ DIS, dated. 13-02-2014  6,93,000/- 14,000- 350/- 1- Month
District Officer (Roads) Nankana Sahib

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