Dfatd Pakistan Jobs

Dfatd Pakistan Jobs
Local Project Monitor
Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the position of a Local Project Monitor. This is a consulting assignment for a period of approximately 157 days spread over 2 years. The successful candidate will be hood through the Canadian PSU (Program Support Unit) office located in Islamabad, Pakistan. Please find below a summary of the position's mandatory requirements, additional desirable qualifications, and application and selection process. Mandatory Qualifications • Masters or doctorate-level degree in social sciences, business/management, international affairs or another related area of study; • 15 years experience in conducting monitoring and/or evaluation assignments; • A background in gender equality, adult literacy and enterprise development; • Demonstrates knowledge of DFATD's Sustainable Economic Growth Strategy and experience with development projects that provide literacy and skills training in addition to employment opportunities; • Be fully acquainted with DFATD's results-based management orientation and practices; • Dernonstrate proficiency with DFATD's gender equality policies and knowledge of DFATD's gender equality action plans; • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel & Power Point; • Fluency in English and Urdu; • Willing to travel extensively in the target areas located in Punjab and Sind provinces; • Excellent written and analytical skills and an ability to meet deadlines; • Ability to legally work in Pakistan.
Additional Desirable Qualifications
• Knowledge of DFATD's Official DevelopmentAssistance (ODA) policies and priorities • A background in financial literacy for women, conducting gender training and awareness, micro-small enterprise development • Fluency in regional languages desirable e.g. Punjabi and Sindhi etc. Application and Selection Process The application and selection process consists of the following steps: 1) Submission, via email to: hr30@cpsu.org.ok before 16:00 ho on March OV, 2014, a covering letter (maxiinum two pages) and summary CV (maximum 3 pages) in MS WORD format showing how the candidate's background is linked to each item in the mandatory qualifications and additional desirable qualifications categories. 2) Candidates whose credentials confirm they meet the mandatory criteria will be invited for an interview and written exercise to assess their technical and analytical skills and knowledge of the sector/s. 3) Reference checks will be conducted for the short listed candidates. 4) An offer will be made to the first ranked candidate with remuneration based on DFATD internal fee determination for this specific position and responsibilities. For the Statement of Services please visit htto://www.cosu.org.okl
Tele • hone calls will not be entertained.

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