City District Government Lahore Tender Notice 2014

City District Government Lahore Tender Notice 2014
Sealed Tender based on Standardized Market Rates (Amended upto date of receipt of tenders) are invited for the works mentioned below from the contractor! firms enlisted with C&W Department / Works & Services Department City District Government Lahore in the field of Road Works who have got their names renewed! enlisted for the financial year 2013-14 Tenders documents can be obtained from the office of the District Officer Roads-Ill. COOL against written request accompanied with attested copies of enlistment I up to date renewal letter and fee receipt, production of valid original PEC license for the current calendar year,2013, authority letter on pad form of the contractor I firms, and for transparency payment of prescribed fee as shown before each work, through a Bank Challan to be deposited in Head of Account "1240 PW receipt" (District Govt Account-IV)in favour of District Officer Roads-111COGL Tender fee shall not be received in shape of cash Tender will be issued immediately on the publication of the advertisement of tender notice by the aforesaid offices during office hours under provision of PPRA Rules Para-23 (i) upto 18-03-2014. Tenders will be received and opened by the District fender Board City District Government Lahore in the office of the undersigned on 19-03-2014 at 2:00 P.M (under provision of PPRA Rules 13(i) ) in the presence of Committee / intending contractors or their authorized representatives who care for same. le shah be strictly observed and tio extensxm in received tune shall be allowed Conditional tender and tendeis not accompanied with Earnest Money in shape of deposited at-Call receipt from schedule Bank and attested copies ol registered partnership deed and power of attorney in case of firm will not be entertained. Earnest money to be deposited will be 2% In case ol tendered amount quoted is 5% below or less beyond 5% below of estimated cost, the lowest bidder shall have to deposit performance security in shape of Deposit-at-Call from a schedule bank equivalent to difference of the estimated cost as per standing instructions of Govt. of the Punjab. Any information I detail of work regarding the tenders mentioned below can be obtained from the Divisional hear Clerk / Head Draftsman during office tune. Undersigned shall have the right or rejecting any or all of the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Issue of lenders will be subject to the policy of District Government Authorities regarding measures to ensure progress (quality of works shown by contractors are reviewed from time to time. Acceptance of tenders will also be subject to provisions contained in the B&R Code. Work order will be issued after receipt of full funds and after observing all cadet I legal formalities.
Note:- In case of any typographically mistake, if noticed, the original documents will be referred to.
Name of Work
Estimated CosUEarnest Money
Tender Fee
Completion Toe
1 Special Repair PI L Tuff Tiles of Footpath / Hodies at Lawrence Road Regal Chowk to t Queens Road Right Side
Rs 5 96 000f.
Rs 12 OM-
Rs 300
As per work Order
District Officer Roads-Ill City District Government Lahore
I PL-2158

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