Buildings Works and Services Department Khairpur Tender Notice

Buildings Works and Services Department Khairpur Tender Notice
Phone# 9280032
No. TC/G-55/203/2014 Khairpur dated: 17/02/2014
Read: This Office NIT No.TC/G-551106 Dated: 27-01-2014
As per infirmity conveyed by Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority vide Letter No. Dir (Enf-I)/397/SPPRA/3-16(KHP)/ 13-14/4376 dated 13-02-2014, the Para No.6 of above NIT may be read as under. "In case of Holiday or the undersigned is out of Headquarters the tenders shall also be submitted on next working day upto 3:00 pm & bids shall be opened within one hour of deadline for submission i.e at 4:00 pm." It is further notified that the tenders are hereby postponed. Now the tenders shall be issued upto next attempt which is already published in the N.I.T i.e 04-03-2014, shall be received back on 05-03-2014 at 3:30 pm and opened on same day @ 4:00 pm. If any of work remains un-responded, the same shall be issued & opened as under.
Sr.# Description Date Time i) ii) The last date of issue (Sale) of tenders upto. The Date of received back & opening of tenders (i.e opening of tender box) before the tender committee / purchase committee. 24-03-14 25-03-14 3:30 pm 4:00 pm
All others terms & conditions shall remain same. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (BUILDINGS) WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTMENT KHAIRPUR
INF-KRY No. 492'14

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