Allied Hospital Faisalabad Tender Notice 2014

Tender Notice 2013-2014
Allied Hospital FSD, invites sealed bids from the fonts haying established credentials M term of Technical, Financial and Managerial capabilities for the supply of following items for Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, during current financial year (2013-2014) on free delivery to consignee's end on both CIF and FOR bass: Sr. No. Name of Article Tender Fee (Rs) 1. Lift Rs. 1000/- 2. Incinerator Rs. 1000/- 2. Interested bidders may get the bidding documents and specifications from the office of the undersigned on submis-sion of written application on letter head and a copy of CNIC along with payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000, (One Thousand Only) for each bidding document. 3. 02% Bid Security shall be attac ith the bid in the shape of CDR from any scheduled otherwise tender will be rejected. 4. Single Stage - Two Enuelçlp bidding procedure shall be applied. The envelopes e marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" AND "TECHN1çL PROPOSAL" in bold and leg-ible letters. Financial pro* I of bids found technically non-, responsive shall be r ed un-opened to the respective bidders. 5. ProcurementribQ be governed under the Punjab Pro-curement Rules Nora 6. Last da y receipt and opening of tenders will be 08.03.2014. T ders will be opened at 11:00 AM in the pres-ence of theN icipants or representatives. 7. In cw.Vthe date of opening is declared as a public holi-day by the Government or non-working day due to any reason, She next official working day shall be deemed to be the date of opening of tenders. 8. Firm will be responsible for civil/ electrical and other wo. required for installation and functioning of Incinerator/ Lifts. MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT IPL-1883 ALLIED HOSPITAL, FAISALABAD.
@The Nation Newspaper

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