Targeted operations will continue in Karachi: Sharjeel Memon

Targeted operations will continue in Karachi: Sharjeel Memon
Targeted operations will continue to the karachi: sharjeel memon. Sindh information minister sharjeel memon said, will continue to focus on operating in karachi. Provincial government will provide all the facilities that a production factory.
In the context of this site and the inauguration ceremony of the road construction projects memon sharjeel said while talking to the media, all possible facilities will be provided to the manufacturer, 0 in the absence of road construction.
Sharjeel memon further said that workers than a ghost, limited site, but they are employed the door kippering night in another place.
Sharjeel memon told them that any conflict the texas rangers and the police in karachi, he said that, in a targeted action will continue, for each is one of the cost is because there is a very good team, and they are in the context of the implementation of their work. Sharjeel memon karachi to ensure that it will be a prosperous city.

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