Smbbt Public Notice

Smbbt Public Notice
PROJECT DIRECTORATE SHAHEED MOHTA_RM.A. BENAZIR BHUTTO TOWNS SINDH Office of the Director (Technical) 4th Floor, Left-wing, Civic Centre. Gulshan-e-lqbal. Karachi Phone: 021-99232357
PUBLIC NOTICE REPEAT INTIMATION REGARDING CANCELLATION/WITHDRAWAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES FREE OF COST FOR THE POOREST OF POOR SCHEME NAMELY DEVELOPMENT OF TOWNSHIPS IN MAJOR URBAN CENTERS (50,000-NOS.) OF 120 SQ. YDS., PLOT WITH ALL CIVIC SERVICES IN SINDH  SIGNED WITH WS HUMAN RELIEF & DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION,  ISLAMABAD & WS PUKAR FOUNDATION (NGOS).  This is in continuation to the iPublic Notice) got published in the leading newspapers of 5th Dec. 2013 in respect of cancellation/withdrawal of the MOU signed by the Project Directorate, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Towns, Sindh (SMBBT) with M/s Pukar Foundation & M/s Human Relief & Development Foundation (HRDF), Islamabad (NG05) for construction of houses free of cost for the poorest of poor of above mentioned scheme namely SMBBT. It is reiterated that it was came to the notice of Project Directorate, SMBBT that the above said NGO(s) have invited i Prequalification of Contractors & Suppliersi and/or Registration from the Contractor(s)/Constructor(s)/Vendor(s) for SMBBT scheme through press or otherwise in violation of terms and conditions of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of the scheme; without any lawful authority and in absence of any Definitive Agreement. Moreover, the Project Directorate, (SMBBT) is also in receipt of complaints of cheating and fraud leveled against the NG0s, which they have failed to substantiate with supportive documents. The general public and all Person(s), Association(s), Company(s), Society(s), Local/Provincial/Federal Authorities etc are therefore hereby informed not to enter upon in any sort of transaction(s), commitment(s), obligation(s) or any other sort of instrument(s) with M/s Pukar Foundation and M/s HRDF or with any other person(s) or foundation(s) or otherwise in their own interest and in respect of the scheme as the Project Directorate, SMBBT not be responsible for any such act(s), deed(s), or otherwise in this regard since the MOUs signed with M/s Pukar Foundation and M/s HRDF, Islamabad (NG05) already stood cancelled/withdrawn of the scherne.

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