Pwd Building Division Kotli Tender of Notice

Pwd Building Division Kotli Tender of Notice
1. The Executive Engineer PWD Building Division Kotli (AK) (The Employer) has applied credit from the PP&H towards the cost of Rs. 87.834 Million. "Construction of Residential and Office Accommodation THQ Charhoi District Kotli" and it is intended that part of the proceeds of the credit will be applied to eligible payments for office accommodation, Block "A", Block "B", Boundary Wall, Barbed wire fencing and site clearance under the contract for the PP&H. Bidding is open to all eligible bidders. 2. The Employer invites sealed bids from eligible firms or persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council renewed up to 31 Dec 2014 in the appropriate category C-4 for the works. A foreign bidder is entitled to bid only in a joint venture with a Pakistani constructor in accordance with the relevant provisions of PEC bye-laws. Firms/Contractor would be endorsed in PWD (AK) otherwise bidding documents will not be issued. 3. Eligible bidders may obtain further information, inspect and acquire the bidding documents from the office of the Employer at Executive Engineer PWD Building Division Kotli (AK) and upon payment of non refundable fee of Rs. 5,000/-. 4. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by an interested bidder on submission of a written application to the above office and upon payment of a non-refundable fee according government policy. 5. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of 1.800 million (Rupees One Point Eight Million) or an equivalent amount in a freely conversable currency in the form of bank guarantee on bid security form or in the form of deposit at call in favor of Employer and must be delivered to Office of the Executive Engineer PWD Building Division Kotli after advertisement of newspaper. Bids will be open on 3-3-2014 at 12 PM hours in the presence of bidder's representatives who choose to attend at the same address. 6. All bids must fill in check list before submission of bid in their own interest as per section G of instructions to bidders which is a mandatory requirement.
www. a j k. g ov. pk AJK.MD-150-D14
Executive Engineer PWD Building Division Kotli

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